Archive for the 'Oklahoma' Category

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Faith Restored – Somewhat….

We had a runoff election yesterday between two Republican candidates…. Candidate #1, a Mr. Calvey, had been in the political circus for 14 years, elected 6 times, and expected to win the primary election a few weeks back with no problem….. Problem – Candidate #2, a Mr. Langsford, had never run for any political office […]

New Music…..

….From “My Generation”…… Big names from the past are still at it, and, after listening to some of these new albums, they are still on the top of their game….. Here’s a few of the new ones I’ve been exposed to: Steve Miller Band – Bingo!, J.J. Cale with Eric Clapton – The Road to […]

Noodling Around……

Hollywood comes to Oklahoma, again….. There’s been lots of parts of movies, and, even complete movies like “Twister” made in Oklahoma, but, I don’t know if they’re on the right track with this one or not…… They’re already here and filming in Pauls Valley, a small town on I-35 south of Oklahoma City….. The movie […]

Goodbye to the Air God Of Morning Radio

About 1986/7 I tuned into a new station here in OKC, And since 96X had earlier gone to a country format it bacame the only station with a Classic Rock/Album Format. Shortly after their sign on they launched their own morning show. The comic side kick was a guy named Greg Moore otherwise known as […]

Musicial Coaches…..

As most of you know, I don’t follow sports that much, but, it seems to me that there was an extraordinarily huge number of firing and hiring of coaches – both college and pro – this year….. Has the “WIN or you’re outta here” philosophy kicked (field goal – 3 pts.) in or what?…… I […]

Earthquakes, Anyone?…..

The earthquake in Haiti got me to thinking….. There’s a small town called Jones about 4 miles from where I live….. Usually they have 2 to 3 small earthquakes a year – about a 2.0 to 2.5, but, in the last 3 months, they have had over 30, yes 30 earthquakes!….. The highest being a […]

Annexed by Canada….eh?

Yep, Hosers, it’s been below freezing here in the Heartland almost constantly since even before the record breaking blizzard we had on Christmas Eve….eh?… Snow everywhere (even yellow snow) and c-o-o-l-l-d…… So-o-o, we’ve been annexed into the British Empire via Canada…. Take Off, eh?…… Here’s the details…… I woke up yesterday with a Royal Canadian […]

It’s That Time Again….

Yep, it’s yearly inspection time for the Great Northwest Seattle HQ…… After a short vacation in Portland (01OCT-04OCT), I’ll then be heading for Seattle (05OCT-11OCT) to conduct a surprise inspection on Jektown and various unsuspecting MR community members….. You say, “How can it be a surprise inspection if I’m Posting the fact that I’m on […]

Bradford’s Injury

Since I got home at 1300 today the top story on the news today has been the injury of The OU Quarterback Sam Bradford. Ok lets get some perspective. There are Thousands of soldiers serving in wars all over the globe. The president is proposing a Socialized Health Care Plan. A burgular was shot and […]

Enjoying the Weather?….

How’s those temps been the last week or so up there in the Great Northwest…. eh?….. Yep, I thought I would send you Northwesterners just a little taste of our Oklahoma summertime weather…. I wasn’t able to include the usual high humidity that we have though, but, I think you got the general idea….. I’ve […]

105, 105, 105……

Yep, that’s the forecasted temps for the OKC area for the next three days…… We’ve been in the triple digits for the past few days, and, it looks like it will continue out past the three days, and we are one of the, dare I say, cool spots in the state…… The panhandle area is […]

Jump Into The Fire……

I’m sure at least some of you are familiar with this classic song by “Harry Nilsson”….. If you were in Oklahoma yesterday, you would have been trying to do just the opposite – Jump Out Of The FIRE!…… We had wildfires all the way from the Texas border to the Kansas border!….. One of the […]

Okla. Rainy Day Fund

A report on the state budget states that we have a $600 Million + “Rainy Day Fund” How much more Rain do we need in this state?. Lets pump some of this back into the state economy. Hire New workers, Start Projects, Help out the laid off and struggling workers of our state. maybe, Oh […]

Bob Stoops PLEASE GO……

……Somewhere – Anywhere…… As long as it is AWAY FROM Oklahoma!…… As most of you know, I’m not a real big sports nut, but, living in (or being from) Oklahoma, it’s just a natural thing to follow the exploits of the OU football program, even if you’re one of those OSU fanatics, but, for Mr. […]

Flip a Coin……

Well, Oklahoma City stole Seattle’s basketball team, and, now the State of Oklahoma is sending in ground troops in the form of OU football players and fanatic fans for an assault on the University of Washington’s stadium….. I heard they had orders to bring the stadium back with them!…… Rumors?…. Maybe….. With my Seattle connections, […]