I’d just like to say…. “get a life”….

Ran across a pretty nifty resource for you Trekkies, called “Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast”.

Started in mid-2012, it has a ton of production photos,  story outlines, memos, and trivia notes for most episodes in their “discovered documents” section. They also have a couple of interesting podcasters that spend about an hour each week breaking down each episode to discuss the messages, morals, and meanings contained within, as well as rating whether the production, story, and underlying messages hold up in today’s world. They’ve tackled it chronologically, one episode per week (two per week for the animated series), and currently sit about 22 episodes into the animated series (Having completed all 79 episodes of the original series). They plan to tackle the movies, Next Generation, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise as well, if interest holds and they live long enough. (Thinking of J.J. here, as I download them to my phone and often listen to them at work. I haven’t heard of J.J. flattening anyone on the roadside lately, so the man needs some distractions.)

They also do occasional Supplemental podcasts with folks like Gene Roddenberry’s son Rod, the guy in the Gorn costume (Bobby Clark), David Gerrold (author of the Trouble With Tribbles), and Nichelle Nichols, among others. Definitely worth a look and listen!


3 Responses to “I’d just like to say…. “get a life”….”

  1. As you may well realize from the fact that you know WAAAY too much about this you maybe should take the good captains advise from that classic SNL skit. But Alas curiosity dictates that because you provided a link we will be obliged to check this out. And as Star Trek is one of the things that we mostly agree on here in our little Community This might be something pretty Cool. So, Onward, Make it So, 3rd Star from the right, Thataway. And yes Those little distractions do help to keep what little sanity I have in check IE:iPod, iTunes, Audible.com etc.

  2. They’re probably pushing 100 hours of audio content by now, and though I don’t always agree with the viewpoints, there’s a lot of great debate. They try not to rehearse or compare notes beforehand, which usually works in their favor. One of the better points is in the discussion of episode 34 The Apple when they are discussing the upheaval of the Servants of Vaal, the paper-mache snake god. (It hints at the level of organization of the podcasts, which probably mirrors our own little community, so I can instantly relate to these guys.)

    “Someone wrote to us recently, and I cannot remember who, and I cannot remember where, and I cannot remember what exactly they said; so for all those things I apologize…. it’s almost like nobody wrote to us. But the question that was put to us was could Landru or NOMAD be the precursor to the Borg. No, *KIRK* is the precursor to the Borg! Resistance is futile, you WILL be assimilated if Kirk disagrees with the way you live your life or run your society!”

    A more convenient link to the downloadable audio archive is http://missionlog.libsyn.com/webpage/

    Have fun, and remember: Kirk is coming! Look productive!

  3. I’ve kinda moved on from “Star Trek” these days, but, I still find it interesting on occasion….. Looks like you use the internet a whole bunch more than I do….. I’ll check out some of the ST just for old times sake….. We definitely did a lot of it back in the day…. I think it was a lot of fun….. Maybe….. Yeah…. it was!……

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