Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam…….

Since the Blog went up over a year ago, we have been getting a small amount of spam comments from anonymous sources…… A few of these got onto the Blog at first so we had to go to a moderation system, whereas, if the poster was not logged-on, the comment would be held in moderation for approval before being posted on the Blog….. Unfortunately, over the last week or so, the amount of spam comments have exploded!…… Over a hundred a day!……. I have to sort though each one and delete it and then delete the same number of e-mail alerts on moderated comments…… It’s become a royal pain in the neck…… So-o-o, as of today, you have to be a REGISTERED USER and LOGGED-ON to post a post or a comment……. We didn’t want to close-off the odd comment from someone that wasn’t a registered user, but alas, I see no other way to stop the barrage of spam…… What is it with these people anyway?……

2 Responses to “Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam…….”

  1. Yeah, these jokers want to increase their rankings in search engines. What a pain to the blog/forum communities.

  2. I think that is a great idea, we like to think of ourselves as family here at MR.Cent. and most of us are friends or friends of friends here. I have liked the idea of having this forum to keep in touch and have conversations that we would be having if we were still in the same locality, therefore if somebody thinks they have something to add to our forum I think it is a small price to pay to register with MR.

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