Who Needs Cable?

You know when the Digital TV change happened I like many others fought it as long as I could. Even after visiting with my Bro In Law whom is a Broadcast Engineer(Radio & TV) I still did not see the need to change what was working.
Move forward to 2011
I just rescanned my channels on my new Digital TV as I do each Month, We have added some new channels in the OKC area. We now have a classic TV Channel (
Who needs Nick at Nite) We have 24/7 Weather (Who needs TWC) 24/7 news (Who needs CNN) 2 PBS channels (Who needs A&E, Disc, Etc)
I must say that this is one technological change that I was wrong about.
Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.

6 Responses to “Who Needs Cable?”

  1. Hey J. When are you going to start watching stuff over the internet? 🙂

  2. Been there done that Got the t-shirt

  3. #3 by MRambler

    I got cable when it first became available in the early ’80’s….. It was $19.95 a month…… When it got into the $30 a month range, I canceled it and haven’t had it since…… I went the Beta, VHS, DVD route, which probably cost me more in the long run, but, I can watch what I want when I want….. ….And, now, as J.J. said, there’s more than one channel running 24/7 movies and old TV shows…… I had got to the point of only checking the news and weather then popping in a DVD until now…..

  4. #4 by huskysooner

    I’m not an early adopter, but 1. Digital is great; 2. HD is awesome, particularly for sports; 3. Streaming Netflix rocks.

  5. We got 6 new channels. Four preaching at us. Praise be the TV.

  6. I’m into netflix best thing since sliced bread.

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