Memorial Day 2006

Heres wishing all of you a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. If you are finding you and your families on the highways and byways this weekend be safe and remember that looby in front of you has a family also and most states enforce the death penalty for vehicular homicide. HaHaHa. (20,000 comedians out of a job and I’m here)
But Please remember the reason for this holiday the Men and Women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for this country. If you know someone who has lost a loved one in the service Please go to them and thank them for their ultimate sacrifice and ask them to share their story, or take a few minutes to go to your local cemetery and pay your respects to our brave servicemen and Women. Remember if it was not for them and all those who served we would not be able to have this forum.

3 Responses to “Memorial Day 2006”

  1. ….And if you run into a Veteran that was fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to survive war, shake their hand because I’m sure they have memories of those they served with that didn’t come back…..

    And speaking of coming back, where the heck have you been, J.J.?….. I was getting ready to mobilize the M.R.B.I. to locate you and try to bail you out of whatever mischief you caused….

  2. I have been on the road WAAAY too much the last few weeks. I will let everyone know about the wonderful life of a OTR truckdriver in another thread and all the lies that the trucking industry tells it’s employees.

  3. #3 by Randalf the Grey

    And from this Memorial Day on, let’s hope our brave and honorable service men and women are never
    again sent into harm’s way based on lies and deception.

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