E-QUIZ 3: Mutton-Eating King

Who was the “mutton-eating

king”? ( OK jj, here ya go)

15 Responses to “E-QUIZ 3: Mutton-Eating King”

  1. I know a some “Mutton-Heads” and a few “Peanut-Boys” and I know people who eat peanuts, but my mutton-eater list is non-existent…… For some reason, Jackie Gleason’s name popped in my head….. Okay, J.J. (or anyone that has the answer), it’s your turn……

  2. Charles II Of England. 29 May,1630 to 6 Feb,1685
    ” Here Lies our mutton-eating King
    Whose word no man relies on
    He never said a foolish thing
    And he never did a wise one “

  3. Looks like someone’s been using Google to me.

  4. Now, Jek, you’re not giving J.J. is just due, or is that Do-Head?…. J.J. knows “what’s in every book in every library in the world” – “Words” (Brother Dave Gardner)

  5. Actually MR That’s not too far from the truth, That answer came from a combination of Paper based sources, I new the answer was an English king (English History 101) The dates and the rhyme came from the encyclopedia Britannica and My chart of the royal families of Europe printed in the back of a book about the Czar’s of Russia, So there fore I did cheat a little but not Internet based. I do not know if that was the answer you were looking for but that was the one that fit the Question.

  6. So what are the rules here Anon? Are we allowed other resources beyond our own brains?

  7. We have a winner. Ten points for Charles II and a bonus five points for the poem which is where I was really headed. JJ, did you find out why he was called the mutton-eater?

    Rules???????? Got me. Google makes it to easy. Resources other than our brains seems fair considering the state of some of our neuro connections. Charles II was another one that was on Google. Once again I should have checked first. (I will be having certain agents in black checking JJ’s story about paper research. Points can be withdrawn you know. I AM THE DECIDER, I’M THE WALRUS). From now on I will make sure answers are not on Google which will make answers even more obscure. Other than that, I guess we are on the honor system until I can find someone to watch the watchers.

    I thought the poem reminded me of a current oligarch. Well, half of the poem.

  8. Thank you. No I have not found out the reasoning for the Title, as stated the dates came from the Encyc. Brit. and dates from other sources, I knew of the title and existence of the poem from memory but found the poem in a old book of English rhymes&fables procured from my father in laws extensive library. I see your thinking of comparisons to dubya(RTG) from the poem. I also found in my research that he was known in the early phases of his reign for “Fighting his fathers war” Sound familiar. I there fore am going to accept the points for the right answer but will defer the extra points back to you because of the research I had to do for the answer as I did not know it without looking. Keep em coming anon. You trivia Buff.

  9. anon, is this perhaps where the Beatles came up with “I Am The Walrus”? Of course, we all know the Walrus was Paul. How prophetic, since he’ll probably be the last Beatle standing.

  10. Ah, go ahead and keep the extra points. At our age (my age) cant count a whole lot on memory. You think I know this trivia stuff? Nope! I have books. Gotta love them….and tools.

    Sounds very familiar. History repeating it’s self, it’s self, it’s self.

  11. its, its, its, please, please, please, sez, sez, sez, me, me, me

  12. jek, do I hear some lyrics in here somewhere?

  13. Sure grammar lyrics… sure to be a hit

  14. I there fore accept all points awarded to me.
    As for history repeating itself Wasn’t it ol’ uncle Adolph who said “Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it”?

  15. I know a couple of my Profs kept saying it.

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