E-QUIZ 4: Smugglers of Wiltshire

I turned this question around to make it

harder….should keep you busy for awhile.

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“What was the name given to the smugglers of Wiltshire and extra points for ‘why’.”

7 Responses to “E-QUIZ 4: Smugglers of Wiltshire”

  1. Anon, you may need to keep them in reach of an Oxford professor…. You’re treading way out of my league (yes, that would be the minor leagues)….. It does sound English as in UK….. Do I get any points for that?…… At least point us in the right direction with a little hint…. (nudge-nudge)…..

  2. OK,I guess I made that one a little tough thinking of jj and all his books.( I’ve got a good one coming up though) Cant think of a hint that would set you on the right path, but……… I worded the question so that the name I’m looking for doesn’t come right up on Google, so…… go ahead and and use Google for research. I did and found the answer. I actually saw this story on PBS one night.

  3. Ah come on Anon. Don’t allow Google. Don’t open the box. Aren’t there just some things we won’t know or be able to get in a timely fashion? Perhaps you should award yourself the points and give the answer.

  4. Here’s the answer jek. (That means jj and I are tied for first place)

    “MOON RAKERS” is used at times to describe Wiltshire folk derisively. However, “we ain’t zo stupid”.

    “In the good old days the people of Wiltshire were noted smugglers, and one day, seeing the coastguard on the watch, they sunk in the sea some smuggled whisky. When they supposed the coast was clear they employed rakes to get their goods in hand again, when lo! the coastguard reappeared and demanded of them what they were doing. Pointing to the reflection of the moon in the water, they replied, ‘We are trying to rake out that cream-cheese yonder.’ Considering them fools, the coastguard moved on leaving the Moon Rakers to retrieve their loot.”

  5. Yea anon please don’t allow the google door to be opened.

  6. So, the coastguard fell for the old cream-cheese ploy and the “Moon Rakers” got drunk and rich?…. Sounds right…. The governments of the world, to this day, still employ those who are not qualified…. I stand by the “No-Google” rule….. Sometimes you need quick and fast answers, but puzzles and quizzes should make you think and explore your own knowledge and searching for it in the “old-fashioned way” seems more appropriate, besides, you just might learn other things in your hunt for the answer….

  7. For the curious, Ian Fleming’s Moonraker James Bond title is similar only in name (not in plot) to our smugglers. From Wikipedia:

    The title comes from “moonraker”, a synonym for moonsail, the highest sail carried by sailing ships. It is also a reference to the folk story about simple folk who see the moon’s reflection in the water and try to catch it with their rakes.

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