Notice To The Public

Be It Known.

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Despite other personal failings, Jek did not screw up our


22 Responses to “Notice To The Public”

  1. Glad to hear, though I don’t think your machine would need any help from me in blowing itself up. I’m not sure of the value of this as a post, but at least it does prove that you can post unsupervised. Congrats.

  2. Also, there is no truth to the rumor that Jek once dated Valorie Plame.

  3. Ok: Who’s Valorie Plame ?

  4. I’m risking serious jail time on this one, but everyone here seems cool. She worked
    for the C.I.A. Beyond that I cant say anything.

  5. #5 by Randalf the Grey

    HEEHEEHEE ! Careful, anon. You’ll have “Spooky” Mulder ringing your doorbell. After all,
    intentionally blowing the cover of a CIA agent is a treasonous offense–or at least it
    used to be.

  6. Mr. Grey,

    Did you happen to catch “Now” on PBS last night. They had John Dean on as a guest. We remember him. He was talking
    about Fitzgerald’s new Grand Jury investigation, defined in broad terms which is unusual and includes treason. Dean thinks
    Fitz is going after Cheeny. He said it. Not me.

    Anyway, I told Fitzgerald, he called this morning and wanted to know what I knew and when I knew it, that there was nothing suspicious to the meeting between Cheeny, Miller and Jek in that secluded inn up in the Hamptons. Strictly
    a tax deductible business lunch. Miller is a handsome woman though.

  7. #7 by Randalf the Grey

    Mr. Grey wants water.

  8. What?? Is that code?

  9. CORRECTION: Well, I remembered that wrong. John Dean thinks Fitzgerald is planning to charge Cheney under the Espionage Act. I believe the reason was unlike the law in England outing an agent is not treason in this country.

  10. OK so I forgot current events (Valorie Plame)
    This thread also proves that other than anon being able to post unsupervised, our collective sense of humor and imaginations are very alive and well.
    I am not now nor have I ever been a member of any espionage agency.
    Johnny Neutralizer Detective Agency not withstanding.
    Signed the Wolfman.

  11. #11 by Randalf the Grey

    When you referred to me as Mr. Grey, I thought it was a Stephen King reference–the protagonists
    in Dreamcatcher called the aliens Mr. Grey.

  12. Randalf,

    I was just being formal. The trouble with posting and Email….context and syntax and the rest. I get myself in trouble all the time. The rest of the time I’m trying to get myself out of trouble.


    If thats your real name. We all appreciate you identifying yourself as not belonging to any espionage agency. As an example to the rest of us contributing to this blog, I think everyone should reveal their affiliations with any such agencies. I for one am not a spy and any rumors about Jek are unfounded…..totally

  13. #13 by Randalf the Grey


    Sadly, I must decline to take the pledge. You see, I was abducted by the guys in the black
    helicopters, and programmed to, among other things, spew projectile regurgitation whenever
    I attempt to tell a falsehood. However, I CAN say that, in over 30 years of government
    service, I have NEVER persecuted or prosecuted anyone who didn’t try to bite me. Also, I
    will swear on a freaking mountain of religious documents that, when I bought my new bear gun
    at Outdoor America last January, the fact that it was inauguration day was pure coincidence.

  14. Yes that is sort of my real name (Nick name) MR and Jek have known me as that for as long as they have known me, Actually Jek and his uncle gave me that nickname.
    The first incarnation of that was J.G. Which are my actual initials and stood for Jungle Gym (Jim).
    The reference to Johnny Neutralizer is something from Jek’s past but thats all I’m allowed to say. I signed a confidentiality agreement and if I told you I would have to eliminate you.
    Remember things are always not what they seem…..
    As for full disclosure My real name is Jim Gates I live in Midwest City, OK and belong to the angry american party.

  15. Hey MR, Does this constitute one of those “Taking it around venus and out to saturn” that you were talking to me about when you started this thing?

  16. No, No, I think the proper saying was “taking it around Uranus” and you can take that to mean whatever you want it to mean….. Although Jek didn’t want me to bring up your bad memory, I will offer this hint about your reference to a certain Johnny Neutralizer….. That is incorrect…… The name was John E. _______ …. You fill in the blank (on the paper and in your mind), or contact me covertly and I’ll bring you back from senility……

  17. After reading these posts, I think we’re all bozos on this bus!
    (Firesign Theatre)

  18. That would be the back of the bus?….. eh?…..

  19. “Don’t hang on,
    Nothing last forever
    Let the seat belt lie
    It slips away,
    And all your funny
    won’t another laugh buy

    Bozos on the bus,
    All we are are
    Bozos on the bus
    Bozos on the bus,
    Everyone be bozos on the bus”


  20. “FURTHER”

  21. #21 by Randalf the Grey

    My mother was a bozoette at Morse Science High.

  22. Ok Ok:
    Theres no accounting for senility.
    I remember now John E. Seltzer Private Neutralizer.
    You know what is also coming up shortly don’t you? You trivia buff,
    The anniversary of Beowulf An Epic…Sort Of.

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