PD Bob’s Holiday Party…..

Yep, He’s out of control again!…..  Him and his new buddy – Rein-ear Ducky (Jek sent him from Seattle), borrowed my Debit Card, hit the local liquor store and decided to make themselves some Harvey Wallbangers…..  (The fire extinguisher is there for safety reasons)…… This is the result:

1. Gathering of all the ingredients:

the_gathering2.  Rein-ear Ducky loves cherries:

rein_duck cherries3.  PD Bob loves Oranges:

pd_bob_oranges4.  Rein-ear Ducky ice cube skating:

rein_ear_duck_ice_cube5.  The finished product:

pdb_finished hwb6.  PD Bob down for the count:

pdb_down_countPoor PD Bob just can’t hold his Liquor – END OF STORY…… (Oh, Yeah, I hid my Debit Card…..

7 Responses to “PD Bob’s Holiday Party…..”

  1. As soon as PD Bob recovers in the next few days (Smirnoff 100 proof and Galliano at 84.6 proof have quite a combined kick and they turned them both into “dead horses”), I’m going to find out why they didn’t involve Oscar, one of his usual running mates, in this fiasco…. Maybe Oscar has more sense that I’ve been giving him credit for, or, being a cat, he was out on some other mischievous adventure…. probably the latter…. Luckily, the Fire Extinguisher didn’t have to be used…. A Flaming Harvey Wall Banger could have made the news and destroyed MR Headquarters in the process!…. If they survive, they’re both going to be restricted to their barracks under house arrest FOREVER, or, at least until I cool down a bit….. Anyone want some roomies????

  2. OOOHHH NOOO! Your’e Stuck with his FurBotness. The last time he was with me, well lets just say I’m still paying the Lawyers. And the FBI still calls.

  3. PD Bob claims, and I quote, “it was all your fault, and, if he wouldn’t have known the officers involved, you would have spent the night in the pokey”…. He wants me to release him and Rein-Ear Ducky into your custody because they’re ready for a road trip…. They want you to pick up Oscar on the way….. I think they’re just looking for an easy way out of me enforcing their house arrest…. They’re all your’s if you want ’em J.J. …..

  4. Upon advise from counsil I hereby assert my constitutional right against self incrimination. And besides, He Made Me Do It!!!!!

  5. PD Bob, upon advise from his counsels (Oscar and Rein-Ear Ducky), hereby states that based on his EPA and Animal Protection Rights, “Okay, I admit it, it was J.J. who did it all”, BUT, if Mr. J. will let me drive the truck next time, I’ll change my testimony or “We’ll see you in Court, Mr. Trucker”….. PD Bob headed out early this morning to sign up for truck driving lessons….. Rein-Ear Ducky said he’d be happy just to be in control of the radio, and, you don’t even want to know what Oscar wants…..

  6. Anyone know the number for the Witness Protection Program ?

  7. Don’t you mean the Criminal Protection Program, Mr. J.?…. I don’t think you can get in the Witness Program if you were a major participant in the ruckus….. Anyway, PD Bob and Company claim that you are their leader and mentor….. PD Bob said he has a monkey friend at NASA….. He might get you a slot on the Space Station…… Do you speak Russian, Chinese, Whatever?…… It’s Hell with friends(?) like PD Bob and Company….. eh?…..

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