The Best Breakfast I Ever Had

Anon suggested this for a topic and I think it’s great.  Check out his first course on this topic.  For me, I really don’t have a particular standout in mind.  But I will say that my Grandma’s grits and round bacon were the best.  Yes you heard right, round bacon.  Maybe MR can elaborate on it, as I don’t recall ever seeing the packaging.

10 Responses to “The Best Breakfast I Ever Had”

  1. #1 by huskysooner

    Round bacon? Sounds like pancetta.

    Sorry, I can’t narrow it down to one:
    1. The Apple Farm, San Luis Obispo.

    2. Sunshine Bakery, Seattle. Googling, it appears they’re not around anymore. They were on the east-side and had awesome quiche, roasted red potatoes, and the best fresh-squeezed OJ I’ve ever had.

    3. Hard to go wrong with local.

    At home, my favs would be cinnamon rolls, cherry muffins, and coffee cake (not all in one meal, obviously!), together with scrambled eggs with sauteed onion, green pepper, and chorizo.

  2. considering that I don’t eat to live, I live to eat. I can’t possibly list a favorite breakfast. How ever I can list some things about breakfast that I miss. When I was young my dad would on occasion cook breakfast on Saturday mornings I miss that. My mom makes hash paddies I don’t seem to be able to do that. Pete (Mr’s father) my first landlord used to take me to a grease spoon out by Harrah on NE 23Th now they are both gone. With Pete breakfast was an all day thing, and I had to drive, but you can ask Mr or Jek about that. And last but not least Mama Lu’s and the get togethers that Pete would instigate.

  3. You forgot to mention “Waffle House”, Robo – Those poor souls…. Here’s the story…. Waffle House used to offer a “All you can Eat” special for about $5.00 or so….. It included EVERYTHING on the menu – I mean EVERYTHING – You name it and you could get it…..

    Robo already admitted he lives to eat….. Well, image a party of starving Polar Bears consisting of Robo, J.J., Booker (the biggest eaters of the bunch), along with me (MR) and sometimes my brother (PL) and his wife converging on one of the small-sized Waffle Houses (they were all about the size of a train car diner)….. About an hour and a half later we might be close to being finished….. We would have everything from Steak and eggs to hash browns smothered in cheese and onions…. You could order anything any way you wanted it….. I really believe we cleaned out all of their reserve supplies on more than one occasion, and, I also believe we caused more than one location to close down….. There are only a few left around the OKC area……

    But, alas, all good things (for us) must come to an end…… Although they still offer an all you can eat menu, it is very, very limited as to what items you can order….. Business preservation I guess….

  4. Sorry, I have to add:

    Hell’s Kitchen, Minneapolis. Toasted sausage bread!!!

  5. When you come to Seattle and have been out all night partying and hunger sets in, there’s an all night dive just for you…..”Beth’s Cafe”……home of the 12 egg omelette and crayons for drawing. The place is decorated with customer art.

  6. (#3) What are you saying MR? Just because Myself, PL and Nancy shut down A particular BBQ restaurant. And after getting off of work at a restaurant on fri nights Myself and Robo Used to go to a all you can eat buffet and eat dinner.

  7. But you wouldn’t consider Beth’s “The Best Breakfast I Ever Had,” right? It does have its own charms, however.

  8. @HS There is a Sunshine Cafe in Bellevue. Is this the restaurant you are talking about in comment #1?

    I agree with HS, I wouldn’t expect Beth’s to serve the best breakfast. However, I am partial to omelets at The Dish. IMO they are the best in Seattle… sooo fluffy.

  9. @Jek: Oh, yeah, it is still there! I think I googled with Seattle.

    The Dish sounds like a cool neighborhood place. “Fluffy” omlets, though?

  10. I think Beth’s is right up there for “largest omelette”. And the art work is stunning.

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