What is DOGG ?

There has been some mentions a few times on the blog about “The DOGG, and DOGG Tapes” I thought I would give a small description to those of you who aren’t in the know. 1st We have a radio station here in OKC known as The KATT, they never played the music that we were into so once upon a time, long long ago in a house far far away MR and Jek came up with DOGG FM 44 while messing around with recording equipment. I came along shortly thereafter and joined the fracas. We made some recordings during those times sometimes with live drums sometimes with Electronic ones. In my opinion we made some of the most hilarious recordings ever put on Magnetic media. It was completely off the cuff unrehearsed and unscripted. We were doing this before OKC had any of the Syndicated shows that are the commonplace in many major cities today. It was just a bunch of friends messing about. Many of us were involved MR, Jek, Myself J.J., Izzard, lsd, Booker, among others. So when we from time to time mention the DOGG now you all know what it’s about. Jek is in possession of those tapes and I Rib him from time to time about them I know that he is busy living his life and these are way down on the list of priorties but I still rib him once a year anyway. Just because I can. We also made a couple of film projects with MR’s Production company 1 being a video telling of the Classic “Beowulf” with me in a dress doing my best Graham Chapman. BTW, Izzard, I have 1 tape of right after Jek’s Famous Blow up with you and me only in the studio dealing with the aftermath and MR dealing with the wall.

6 Responses to “What is DOGG ?”

  1. J., you’ll be a lucky DOGG if and when you get to hear those tapes again (Ha-Ha)…… I do have a couple of snippets of the DOGG….. If you want to volunteer to help me clean out my storage building (hint-hint), we might find the movies and get them transfered on to DVD……

  2. Oh boy. Couldn’t resist, could ya J? Well, don’t worry I will eventually get around to transferring those off. Hopefully the magnetic tape has held out. 😀

    One thing you might not have thought of: What if, just what if they aren’t as funny as you remember.? Might you be trying to create a market for these tapes for your own profit? Not many know what lurks in the mind of J. I suspect even he is not one of them. 🙂

  3. That very thought ran through my mind too, Jek….. Of course, they may be much funnier and Jek is just trying to buy some time hoping we’ll lose interest and the whole matter will just go away…… Whatta you think, J.?……

  4. #1 Just name the time and I will try to get some time off.
    #2 I still remember most of the content and still think it is just as funny as back then, and I wish to make no profit from any of this. I adamantly deny that I wish to publish any Too-Loose Prod.(copyright) to the general public on any public forum Electronic or broadcast. I just want to re live some younger days and have some fun for a few minutes. I wish to share with no one with the exception of Mrs. J.J. .
    #3 I am in complete agreement with this comment MR. .

  5. I know you, J.J……. Seems as if you have used the name “Wolf Brand Band” without permission, I might add, and that is another “Too-Loose Productions” Trade-Mark name….. My lawyers will contact your lawyers, etc., etc.,….. Your “Sentence” will be helping me find those lost “DOGG” videos…. I’ll be in contact…….

  6. I have never actually “used it” Just on My My Space And I asked you if I ever got around to putting together something If I could use it. BTW I have to find some new Lawyers, Mine were amongst the 75% that did not come out of that basement meeting Alive. I’m probably going to go with the esteemed firm of Dewey, Cheatam, and Howe.

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