
This Saturday will be 07-07-07….. They’re talking all over the news about how this should be the luckiest day ever!….. Numbers are strange….. Anyone notice that 777 is the luckiest combination, whereas, only one combo down, 666, is supposed to be the evilest? Weird?…… Does anyone remember what happened last year on 06-06-06?….. I don’t…… I wonder if any other triple same digit combo’s mean anything?…… Just Ramblin’ – That’s what MR does……

11 Responses to “Numberz…….”

  1. 06/06/06 Isn’t that when Scat got busted for hanging out at the 7-11 too much?

  2. How’s this for a hard deadline?: The new Boeing 787 Dream Liner is supposed to roll out on 07-08-07. Hope they make it!

  3. J.J., who is this Scat Cat?……

    They had to send the 787 to France to put the wings on?….. What’s with that?….. Boeing’s dream is that it will fly – Did you look at how skinny and small those wings are?….. I don’t know if I would trust them….. There’s not even enough room for a alien to hang on (Twilight Zone)…..

  4. I achieved a major personal goal on 9-9-99. Damn, that’s a four digit combo.

  5. Nothing to it, just repeat it on 09-09-09……

  6. #6 by huskysooner

    All the crap with Y2K, and some of us still write dates as yy. Ugh!

    Of course, in the Euro method, 07-08-07 would be 7 August!

  7. In the military, 07-08-07 would be 08JUL07…… I still write dates this way….. I guess for all the binary, electro-cyber computer age all four digits should be included – 08JUL2007….. Don’t want to confuse any Iso-chipettes…..

  8. Whadda mean you don’t remember your buddy Scat. Remember he used to help us with the Mopar Newsletter, you and him used to cruise together. When you two weren’t hanging out down at the 7-11 Back in the Day.

  9. Sorry back to the origional subject (Sorry Jek Don’t beat me) I spent this most lucky of days running back and forth to Lawton and playing hurry up and wait. so I guess it wasn’t very lucky for yours truly.

  10. #10 by MRambler

    Oh Yeah, Scat, man, there were lots of things going on in that time period!….. The ‘ol memory banks short-circuit on occasion….. I would say I had a lucky 07-07-07 – I spent the evening at a party with long-long time friends and ex-band members of Terraplane….. One of those priceless moments in time…..

  11. What about yesterday – 07-11-07 – Looks lucky to me and I didn’t even hear it mentioned on the news or anywhere…… I guess nobody “rolls them bones” anymore……

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