(Lack of) Post-tivity, serious, thereof

Ya take a small deviation to the Great Northwest (eh?….) and you just don’t find the time to post, or so it seems…. I’m still here and I really thought my fellow slackers (namely you, and you,……. and you, too) would give me a hand and Somebody, ANYBODY, would post something of some interest…… Instead, here I am posting this “non-post” in an vain attempt to appear interesting…… I know it’s the season to be too busy to post to this blog, but even though some things are too important to do , we must try to do a post or two – also (thought I was going to say too, didn’t you?……) Help me, the Holidays are attacking, time is lacking, I need a little backing…….. Please post or you will subjected to more of this inane drivel……. (Note – the key words to this post are: to, too, and two, and I was going to use 2 too, but desisted at the last moment)…….

One Response to “(Lack of) Post-tivity, serious, thereof”

  1. I,m looking for a story I have around here somewhere about a Chinese civil servant, the
    lowest wrong on the ladder…. a night soil remover. I,ll post it as soon as I find it.
    One of these days.

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