“Ahhhh… look at ALL the STUPID PEOPLE”

How can people be so stupid when their very life is on the line.. How can anybody not get vaccinated with all the info that’s out there now?? Government control/conspiracy? How STUPID!! The problem is they’re putting me in DANGER! Right now over 90% of new cases are un-vaccinated! They’re putting everyone in danger and prolonging the epidemic! Since I’m in the group that is recommended to have the booster shot because of the continued epidemic, which is directly caused by these stupid people, I am not a happy camper!! Usually, I could care less what other people do, but, when it puts my LIFE and the lives of my friends and fellow blogger’s in danger, it’s time to draw the line!! S-o-o-o, if you are one of these STUPID people, or know one of them, WAKE UP!!! Get VACCINATED!! NOW – KID!!

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