I Guess You Could Say……..

I had a BIG Medical Holiday (Ha!)…….As all of the MR Community knows, I think, I spent the 28th of December through the 3rd of January in the confines of the OKC VA Facility (VA Hospital)……  Seems it wasn’t my choice, but, if things didn’t fall into place the way they did, I might not be here to write this gibberish for your to peruse…… I don’t Know how, nor, if it even possible to THANK Jek, Nancy, and all the numerous friends I knew I had, but, never, until now, realized how much……  I came up with a saying many years ago – “Friends are Forever” – Money, Statue, Power, all that means NOTHING……  How much, and what you would do you for a friend in need, without even thinking about or worrying about the time/cost, etc… is a TRUE FRIEND!……  It seems I have way more than my share, but, I refuse to give up one single one of them!…..  Friends are JUST TOO Important!…..  OKAY, OKAY, Enough,,,,  Thanks Everyone, now, you may regret what you did because you had to read this Mush (Ha!)…….  Belated Happy Holidays and, yes, I’m still not all the way back, but, my journey has been made so much easier because of FRIENDS like you!……..

7 Responses to “I Guess You Could Say……..”

  1. Right on! The continuing saga of The Kelvinators & Terraplane is alive & well.
    Good friends, good music & good times.

  2. ….AND as P.L., L.C., C.B., and James Brown would say , “G-O-O-O-D GOD!” Ah-A-o-w-w-w-w!!!……

  3. That was a close one. Welcome back.

  4. Yeah, Quite a scare. I like many others thought that it would pass or you would be better in a few days. DON’T DO THAT TO US AGAIN! I like you have a few friends and I’m not ready to loose any more. We have lost too many great musicians over the last few years and You don’t need to go with them. We got too much Music left to make. Ok enough, Get Better Mr. MR.

  5. We’re thinking of you, MR. Get better!

  6. Glad to have ya back in the world, MR! So glad we reconnected, so you’re on notice that I expect you to stick around for years to come. Hope you get some good news from the docs, and lemme know if you need some viewing material while you convalesce. My meager library is at your disposal!

  7. Thanks, Guys – As you can see, I’m still slow about getting things done (Ha!) – Got about 6-7 months of crap to catch-up on, you know……. I think I’m getting better – s-l-o-w-l-y – as I do feel better, but, I will know more on the 5th of Feb when my first follow-up exam comes around….. I’ll broadcast an update and let everyone know what’s going on…… HEY!….. How about a Post or two, in the meantime, to fill in, out of you guys!….. Do I have to send PD Bob to your house for a visit?…… Beware – It could happen at any moment!…..

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