A new Post

There, I Posted something. Hi From Round Rock, TX. Hope to be headed home this weekend. Later.

6 Responses to “A new Post”

  1. oh yeah MR. I probably won’t be visiting this time around. I have Bronchitis, and Upper Respitory Infection. I’m going to get home, Probably back to the Doc, (I went on Sun) and then home. Hopefully.

  2. Give me a call away, Mr. J. …. Unfortunately, I have sad news, Darrell passed on last Wednesday, so, the World also lost a great individual and a great guitarist last Wednesday…. As I said, give me a call and I’ll fill you in on what I know….. 2014’s not being very nice!……. Oh,Yeah, Thanks for the Post, Mr. Peanut (Ha!)…..

  3. So to update the world. (such as it is) 1st Sorry to hear about Darrell. So I made it home Wed. eve. Go to the walk in clinic thu. morn. I got the Flu. so after many mucho dinero.$ I mean money Kid. I got some dope and lots of bed rest.

  4. Did the Doc(s) say anything about how long you’re going to be down with it?….. Did they mention recovery at all (Ha!)?….. Get well soon, Mr. J., we need you out there keeping all those no-drivers under control……

  5. No Recovery. No Known Cure. Something was said about Amputate at the Neck. When I manage to get a voice back I’ll call.

  6. Well, if that’s all they’re going to do is amputate at the neck, you shouldn’t suffer any memory loss (Ha-He!)…… Yeah, give me a call as soon as you can, I have a deal for you (No joke – a business thingy type deal – I think you’ll like it)….. Just DON’T COME OVER until you’re cured!!!…. I’ve got enough going on right now, I certainly don’t need any neck amputations, Thank You, Sir…… Get Well, SOON, Mr. J……

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