Watch Out… Here It Comes…

Since we still don’t seem to be getting a huge response to the resurgence of the Blog…. Yeah, I know it takes a bit of time (eh?)….. S-o-o-o, in my infinite World of Boredom and Personal Stupidity, I decided to start writing jokes… Watch out!…. Here It Comes….

An old Bluesman died of frustration today…. Seems his long and great recording career was based on the basic three chord Blues progression…. Poor Soul woke up today and could only remember ONE CHORD…. Sad story but true….

All right, let me have it…. If you’ve got a better one – Let’s hear it!…..

4 Responses to “Watch Out… Here It Comes…”

  1. I know a few jokes but can’t remember the punch lines anymore.

    Will the anti-spam word screw with me again? Some times it do. Some times it don’t.

  2. I got Nuthin’ See ya Monday.

  3. I guess I should have written the last line as, “Is the joke any good”, since I expected to be ripped about it’s quality since I did write the bloody thing….. Apparently, it must not be too bad….. (Ha!)….. I guess I’ll have to start calling J.J., Colonel Jack O’Neill off SG1 – I Got Nothin’ is one of his favorite lines…. Anon, isn’t Anti-Spam your cousin?…. Your full name is Anon-Spam, correct?…..

  4. I was really hoping to start a new “Category” called “Musical Jokes”…… We’re all musicians and/or music fanatics, surely, you’ve got enough of a funny bone in there somewhere capable of coming up with, at the least, a slight smile maker of a joke….. No passing on jokes you’ve heard – NEW stuff out of those brilliant minds of the MR Community only!….. You can do it – I did (I think it’s funny, anyway)….. I’m working on a new one for next week… Again – WATCH OUT! – IT’S COMIN’…..

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