“Come Together…..

….Right Now (actually 40 some odd years later), Over Us”……  Seems MRambler Central has the ability to bring people in contact that left Oklahoma and all it’s Glory (or Gory) long, long ago…..  Greg Gellman picked-up on a Post made way back in January, 2006 called, “Musicians Stand Up and be Counted”, which, by the way had his name mentioned by one of the people who made a comment…..  Turns out Greg actually played in a band prior to Terraplane by the name of Phoenix that “Randolph the Grey” (Greg, we all use user names on the blog, I think you know who I am talking about) as lead vocalist, Roger Harrison on Bass, and John Proctor on drums…..  Add me, MRambler, and this is the current line-up for Terraplane….  I approved his comment and made one myself (check it out by clicking on the list of comments to the right, or, use the search engine)….  I also sent him an e-mail and will pass on his e-mail (which is in his comment) to the other band members…..  His reply was as follows (with a little editing by MR):

Randolph the Grey was a good band leader and I enjoyed my time with him…..  My trip to Vegas with Jesse really launched me on a music career that took me to several other states to live and a couple of dozen more to play in.  So many cool friends and musicians and a couple of wives and two daughters and now 3 grand kids all began from venturing out of OKC after dropping out of OU to persue my dream.

Greg, there’s lots of us old guys still here and still playing – If you make it back to Oklahoma get in contact – Harrison said he would love to have someone else play bass so he can pursue some other instruments….  Good Luck with your Music, and, at a minimum, join our Blog, of course, you will need a user name, such as “Bassman“……


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