Big Thanks, PD Bob!……

…..Another six weeks of Winter, Although, in the condition PD Bob was after all his partying and carrying on, I really doubt if he saw his shadow or not…..  Still, He had to get his due :

3 Responses to “Big Thanks, PD Bob!……”

  1. Well, PD Bob saw his shadow, does that mean we get to hear 6 more weeks of Republicans thrashing each other’s chances of become the President, or do we get 6 more weeks of Republicans making it easier for O’Bummer to get a second term to finish off what he has started?

  2. yeah, thanks furbot. may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your fur.

  3. Pd Bob said to pass on to you J.J., that he will soon be visiting you and will bring all of the thousand Camels with him…….

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