PD Bob Day Tomorrow!…..

Just a little advance warningPD Bob’s all excited and on the loose!…..  He may show up at anyone’s house (and I do mean Anyone’s)……  He’s been on the phone, the computer, making packages – you name it, He’s up to it!….  More on this story tomorrow – If MR Headquarters still exist…….

3 Responses to “PD Bob Day Tomorrow!…..”

  1. HELP! – I’m trying to batten down all the hatches here at MRHQ, but, with only one Hatch, it’s not doing too much to curb PD Bob’s onslaught of preparation for Ground Hog Day…. Okay, Okay, OKAY!, PD Bob, I meant to say PD Bob’s Day…… (help please)…. Didn’t say a thing, PD…….

  2. so the rat saw his shadow. that means 4 more weeks of Feb.

  3. Yep, He’s dug out all of his Polar expedition gear and has it spread all over Headquarters…… He claims we’re going to get the big one before our 5 minutes of Oklahoma Spring arrives…..

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