Blog Updated……

Just updated the Blog…..  There are some changes, including how you upload media files…..  There is just a single icon labeled Upload/Insert on the Add New Post area…..  This covers all media – video, .jpgs, and audio….  Also you can drag and drop .jpgs directly into your Post…..  If you have any questions – Don’t ASK ME, but, I will pass them along to Jek if I can’t answer them……  It’s a better and more secure Blog, but, progress entails learning, sometimes that’s not the easiest of things for us old-timers……  New Year’s Revolution (or Resolution, if you prefer) for the CommunityPOST MORE, COMMENT MORE, and EVERYBODY WILL ENJOY MORE…..  Just a thought…..  Happy New Year……

2 Responses to “Blog Updated……”

  1. Can we insert pics in comment ? 🙂

  2. That I don’t know…. The instructions that accompanied the Update referred to “drag and drop” of pics in a Post….. I guess you could try it and let us know the results….eh?…. (How’s that for getting around a question?)…. If it doesn’t work, I can show you how to get pics in a comment, Robo, but, it is a bit long to describe here and it’s much easier just to show you….. Let us know you findings……

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