Travelogue 11/17

Hi all. Here again in Eagle Pass, TX. Me and PDB Been loggin’ the miles this tour. 5500 since last home time (just tryin’ to keep up with MR) Mostly up and down I-35 with a detour to chicago and Nogales, AZ. lookin’ forward to Turkey day. I might actually be home this year. last 2, Truck Stop Turkey. Till next time….. P.S. By the way, where is everyone? seems just 4 of our community left. sad 🙁

One Response to “Travelogue 11/17”

  1. I’ve been wondering that myself, J….. Maybe they all became long haul truckers and are lost on the road somewhere?……. If you see ’em, give ’em a great big HONK!……..

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