Watermelon Slim, Again……

Got to see Watermelon Slim again at the Blue Door in OKC… It turned out to be a Grateful Dead length gig…. He started about 15 minutes after 8 pm, took a short 15 minute break after about 1 1/2 hours, then played ’til they had to close the place at Midnight!…. I think he would’ve played longer, but, Oklahoma Law prevails….. It was a great show for any Blues/Rock fan…. He even did a compilation of Hendrix songs – About six minutes worth – It was really cool and different hearing Hendrix done with a slide guitar complete with feedback using the volume knob on his guitar….. If you’re into Blues and ever have the chance to see Watermelon Slim, DON’T pass it up!……

3 Responses to “Watermelon Slim, Again……”

  1. No Fair! 🙁 you are getting to see too many shows there while me, a true music lover and student of the blues I’m stuck in the cab of this truck with FurBot!

  2. Music lover and student of the blues, I thought you were a drummer J.J.

  3. I know how it is to miss great artists in concert….. Oklahoma is not the outstanding venue that attracts such groups….. So, you ferret out the best venue (The Blue Door), wait for great local talent, like Watermelon Slim and Big Name Stars (at least to Musicians), like John Prine…. It’s rumored he’s going to appear at the Blue Door sometime in the future…..

    As far as the PDB FurBot, sorry about that – He’s mad at me for giving the second ticket I had to Roger instead of him….. He left in a huff mumbling something about “Pedal to the Metal”, “Breaker-Breaker”, and with GPS in hand was up and gone!…..

    Robo, Any Electric Chicago style Blues Band needs a good drummer…. J.J. just needs to get off the road and start playing again….. I know that’s hard to do because the Music business is one Predator Industry and doesn’t pay “Diddley” until the hard seven rolls and Luck puts you in the right place at the right time….. These days Talent doesn’t mean much judging by the new music I’m hearing (My Opinion) – So, how did these people get their songs on the top of the charts?…. Think about it……..

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