It’s 11-11-11

It also happens to be Veteran’s Day so say thank you to a Vet. Please remember freedom is not free.

2 Responses to “It’s 11-11-11”

  1. Thank you M. Rambler Also thank you to anyone who served.

  2. You’re welcome, Mr J. and Robo…… Now, I don’t want this taken wrong, but, I consider myself a “True Blue” American along with all those other “Kids”, who during that period of time had no desire or idea to have any sort of military career….. We were thinking of Fast Cars, Girls, and Music…. We were drafted, we didn’t enlist – Our country called on us to serve – and, unlike many who refused, went to Canada, or enlisted in the reserves or National Guard, we honored ourselves and did our duty to The Country we live in, which, in my opinion, is still the Greatest one on Earth, even with all the crap that going on right now, served our enlistment time and went back to Fast Cars, Girls, and Music, BUT, with a completely new outlook and insight on life…. I gained at least 40 years of experience in two years of active duty and four years of reserves…..
    With that kind of experience, You could easily handle a tornado about to strike your airplane, and if you were bird, you would know exactly what to do with a cat hiding in ambush in your Birdhouse (see pics above)…..

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