Archive for August 29th, 2011

You are currently browsing the MRambler Central weblog archives for the day Monday, August 29th, 2011.

Please take the time to take a short survey please…..

These words have taken over the land, and I am extremely tired of them. I was going through my receipts for some tax stuff and I have noticed that 90% of the credit card/Cash register receipts have over half of the receipt about taking a Survey! Aren’t we supposed to be conserving paper? How about […]

Justice Finally Served WM3

Friday August 19th 2011 I received some of the best news I could ever hope for. A cause that has been close to my heart has had a positive turn. The West Memphis 3 has been released from prison in Arkansas after 18 years. Thanks to the pressure from many people not just the celebrities […]

Music Trivia “Did ya Know3”

MR’s last post got me thinkin’ (I know, Scary Huh) Did you know that the Banjo solos and backing Vocals/Harmony’s on Neil Young’s Harvest Album were performed by James Taylor. That’s right, That’s Sweet Baby James pickin’ banjo on Old Man.