It’s Too Hot To Think!…..

…What was I going to say?…. Oh, yeah, If you live anywhere around MR HQ and want to venture outside, you’d be well advised to do it in the night time…. If you do it in the Day time, you might suffer from Spontaneous Combustion (P-u-u-f-f!)…. It was 110 degrees in the shade yesterday (another new record)….. We’re working on 12 straight days of triple digit heat….. We’re over 20 days for the Summer and it’s only July 10th!…. We’re not even into our “Hot Season” yet (A-r-g-h-h!)….

Sorry ’bout talking about the weather again, but, this is ridiculous, and, being “trapped inside like a Rat” 95% of the time, seems to drain your enthusiasm to accomplish anything, except staying cool….. If anyone out there is still coherent, PLEASE Post something!…. I’m melting here!….

Robo, here’s the perfect place for your “Egg Comment”….

7 Responses to “It’s Too Hot To Think!…..”

  1. It’s so hot you can’t fry an egg on the sidewalk.
    The egg comes out of the chicken hard boiled.

  2. I guess it’s a good thing I like Hard Boiled Eggo’s…… Just need to find someone to peel them for me now……Ha!……

  3. Been reading about you in the paper. Oklahoma…….ten days in the 100s.

  4. We were 12 days above 100 and counting until yesterday….. We got up to 99 and had some micro-burst storms that dropped a lot of rain in scattered areas, and, because it was so hot, strong winds when the storms collapsed….. It’s back in the triple digits today and the 7 day is all 100s and above….. We’ve already had 23 days of above 100 degrees this year….. The record is 50 days in 1980 and the normal is 10 days….. Unfortunately, it looks like we’re going for the record!….. Yuch!….

  5. I would make a comment but it’s to hot to think. My outdoor temp is 110 right now. That’s in the shade. I left a bag of popcorn in my car and it all popped.

  6. That’s great if your microwave breaks down – Just use your car!…… That would be funnier if it wasn’t so-o-o true…..

  7. Timing is critical on the popcorn, once it pops you have about 3-4 seconds to get it out of the car before it burns to a crisp. It was not microwave popcorn. I have a air popper remember.

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