Unusual dates this year

This year we will experience 4 unusual dates…1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11…

now, go figure this out; take the last 2 digits of the year you were born, plus the age you will be this year, and it WILL EQUAL… 111

(Amazing !. . . . .but it does not work if you don’t tell the truth !)

6 Responses to “Unusual dates this year”

  1. That only works up to your 111th birthday….. If you were going to be 112 this year, your birth year would be 1899, and the total would be 211….. I didn’t think it was necessary to figure where the next break, that would undoubtably lead to 311, would be, since I don’t think there are many, if any, people 112 or older, and, I would bet that they wouldn’t really give a hoot about weird number totals – That is, to say, if they would even remember what numbers are…..

    It is strange though, as random as numbers usually are, especially lottery numbers, that quirky combinations like this exist at all….

  2. The “Spam Word” for this comment was “Coffee”, which I hadn’t had when I made comment #1….. The reason it always comes out 111 is very simple, not weird or complicated at all – It’s all in the way it’s worded…. Think about it…..

    I won’t give it away yet, but, I just wanted those of you that figure it out at first glance to know that I’m not a complete “Nimnal” from “Ork”……

  3. That trick is sooo last century. It was more entertaining then, as you don’t get the leading 1.

  4. Remember Jek, Some of us are still “Last Century” and it does not take much to amuse us.

  5. Let’s see, that’s 2 2=4, right?….. I’m amused……

  6. 1 2 3 4 5 10 the number of bowling pins I’m amused…..

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