……..to all the members and followers of the MR Community….. It’s a New Year and a new starting point…… I’m glad 2009 has gone it’s way and all it’s weirdness with it…… I won’t even go into all the strangeness that I’ve been though during the last part of 2009 – Let’s just start out on a new and better year…….

One note: I’ve had to move MR Headquarters due to the extensive tunneling of PD Bob, which caused the old HQ to collapse into the sink hole he created….. He is now on double secret probation and I’ve taken all his digging implements away from him…… PD Bob didn’t cater to this line of reasoning and has disappeared somewhere on some mission last week…… He left muttering something about, “Why not move the HQ into my tunnels and there wouldn’t be a problem.” He claims he would reinforce them with some sort of super secret materials…… I told him I would get back to him on it – that’s when he puffed up and left…… I suspect I’ll be seeing him soon….. He’ll get lonely and hungry out there on his own and come back……

Anyway, everybody have a Happy New Year and don’t forget to eat some Black-eyed Peas for good luck……

15 Responses to “HAPPY NEW YEAR!……”

  1. Happy New Year to all!

    Goodbye 2009
    You pain in the ass year
    You grunt in the stump year
    You chap in my hide year
    You foot on a delicate flower year
    You will not be missed

  2. I think you summed up my thoughts on 009 just right, Jek, and stated quite eloquently, I might add…… Did you come up with that little ditty all on your own?…….

  3. Yep, it just flowed out, easy peesy. 2010, I dub thee the year of creative thought.

  4. #4 by huskysooner

    Happy New Year, y’all!

  5. Happy new year ever one.
    Too 2009 I bequeath a boot to the head.

  6. It’s great to see there’s some of the MR Community still up and about….. To 2010, the year of Creative Thought (see Jek comment #3 above)…… We’ve got no place to go but UP!…….

  7. Had a bowel of Black-eyed peas on New Year’s. Had a second bowel the next day. Hardly any gas. The beans predict a better 2010. Happy New Year and onwards, J.J. driving the bus.

  8. Should read “bowl”. Oh crap. Whatever!

  9. I ate my black eyed peas last new year (I assume you don’t mean the musical group).
    I decided last year was so bad, I intentionally didn’t eat them this year.

  10. MR, you being PDB’s confidant, I think it is probably a very good idea to move ever so often.

  11. Yeah, PDB does have a huge faction of enemies that would love to know where he hangs out…… One of these days I’ll probably be forced to move and not let PDB know…… Na-ah, that wouldn’t work, he’d just use his super secret human GPS he has to locate me, and, then I would get an earful of his already constantly grating chattering….. Someone want a short, fuzzy, annoying companion?….. Yours CHEAP!……

  12. They say you can sell anything on E-Bay.

    P.S., MR please make this post anonymous for obvious reasons.

  13. PDB would just take it as a compliment….. Run the price up….. …Then just buy himself back off E-Bay, and brag about how much he is worth… Probably try to borrow the money off of me….. It wouldn’t be pretty…..

  14. No I’m not driving this bus, but I am driving the Big Rig, Want to know where I am just look at the weather radar, Wherever the worst snow and ice is, I’m in the middle of it. Just like now I’m in Nashville, TN Heading west, Guess what’s heading East toward me this evening?

  15. You need to put a snow blade on the front of your truck J., and tell your bosses you want those deep south deliveries only….. I’m sure they’ll see it your way…… Probably not……..

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