It’s Father’s Day!…….

I don’t know if it’s considered a real holiday, and it doesn’t carry as much weight as Mother’s Day, but, if you are a father hopefully you’ll see something from your offspring…… I made out like a bandit, myself….. I now have an iPod in my possession!…… It great to have that much music, pics, and other stuff in such a small package at your fingertips anywhere…… I can just put on the ear buds and ignore anything and anybody, even PD Bob (most of the time – He is rather Pesky at times)…… I do have to take it away from him on a regular basis, as he has a bad case of “Sticky Fingers”…… The only problem I see is that it would be very easy to lose or misplace – Ask Jek about that….. That’s how I came by it – He lost it in the track rail of a car seat….. Replaced it with a new one, then found this one…… His bad luck was my good luck…… Thanks, Jek – Happy Father’s Day to me – Ha!……..

So-o-o, Happy Father’s Day to all you fathers in the MR community, and may you get what you deserve – a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T and an enjoyable day doing what you want…….

2 Responses to “It’s Father’s Day!…….”

  1. Happy Father’s Day MR! Glad you are enjoying the iPod.

  2. Yep, it’s just going to take a while to get enough of my albums uploaded to iTunes in order to fill it to the top with music….. Then I can start thinking of organizing playlists, as I will have more music on my iTunes than I can put on the iPod…… All-in-all, it will be well worth it….. Thanks again, Jek and I did have a great lazy Father’s day!…….

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