Railcar Graffiti

I was going over to a friend’s house to other day to work on some of the new music we’ve been working on lately and was stopped at a railroad crossing…… While watching the many RR cars going by (we have L-o-n-g trains here), one went by with the following painted on it – “An Eye for an Eye will make the World Blind”…… Something to think about…..

2 Responses to “Railcar Graffiti”

  1. Sounds like a Liberal statement to me. I must stress that I am not a war monger, but whoever wrote such a thing would have us stop any efforts to find those responsible for the attacks on our country. I’m referring to any of them not just 9/11. Now I know that the debacle in Iraq is the wrong war for the wrong reasons. as well as was the war in Vietnam, But should we not have Went after Japan in ’41 Or after those who bombed the Marine barracks in Lebanon. In the right instance I am perfectly fine with forfeiting my sight for retribution.

  2. What did you say? I can’t see you. 😉

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