Benefit of Doubt

…..I’m giving everyone the “Benefit of Doubt” in that everybody has apparently been as busy as I have and just haven’t had the time to Post or Comment lately…… I would hate to think that anyone would abandon our great Community on purpose…… I admit I’ve been thin on the Posts/Comments myself as of late…. I am making a “First Quarter Resolution” to Post/Comment more….. Hope to hear more of our members in the future…..

8 Responses to “Benefit of Doubt”

  1. Yes, I’ve been busy. I’m currently attending the police academy down here in Ada, Oklahoma.

    I was a reserve out in Nicoma Park (around your neck of the woods, MR). I recently got hired on full time with the Del City Police Department and have to spend 13 weeks down here. I’m only home on the weekends and have not had much time for posting. But I am checking in from time to time (like now, during out extra long lunch).

  2. #2 by huskysooner

    Sorry, MR. This semester has been preparing for conferences, attending conferences, and teaching two classes from scratch. It’s fun but things won’t slack off until school’s out.

  3. Was there ever any “Doubt”?….. It just doesn’t hurt to run a head count every once in a while….. Does it seem as if life has become a lot more “busy” lately?….. ….or is it just me?…… Maybe I’ve just slowed down and everything appears busier….. I’ll think on it…..

  4. Present.

  5. That accounts for Anon, although, it seems you’re not very talkative…. I talked to J.J. yesterday and they are keeping him on the road almost constantly with his “Big Rig”, and, I think it’s safe to assume TTop is extra busy at any given hour of the day or night….. Jek has also been busy, in and out of town, etc….. So-o-o, I have determined the rats didn’t leave a sinking MR ship – They’re just all super busy dealing with the World as it is……

  6. Yep. We had some stuff to deal with here.

    What ever happened to R the G ?

  7. Oh, Jeez, I forgot about RtG even though I just saw him day before yesterday!….. He’s moved back from Colorado to the flat lands of Oklahoma temporarily to raise enough bucks to finish his Colorado hide-out….. He claims he has been really busy of late and doesn’t get near the computer nearly as much as he would like these days…. I told him it was time to at least check-in….. We’ll see….

  8. Hi Neighbors. As MR said I have been burning up the blacktop a lot lately, gettin in long enuf to take care of some business, swap out dirtys for cleans and roll again. So that bein said, Hi Bye.

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