MR’s De-Evolution Quiz – Weirdness

You know the rules and you know if and when you follow them….. As you all know, Points vary along with MR’s mood….. Play at your own risk…..

1. What is the oldest existing hospital in America?
2. What is the most popular month for births in the United States?
3. When does a pig become a hog?
4. Who was known as “The Man Who Shot Dillinger”?
5. What is the definition of everyone’s favorite Scrabble word – syzygy?
6. What is the blue note?
7. Where was Sherwood Forest?
8. What are the names of the seven original astronauts in the American space program?
9. Who was Richard M. Nixon’s running mate in 1960?

Nine is Fine…. Have at it and enjoy!…. Ready….. Set….. GO!…..

10 Responses to “MR’s De-Evolution Quiz – Weirdness”

  1. A few more random guesses…

    2. August
    3. When sexually mature?
    6. Outside Nottingham?

  2. #8 The Mercury 7 were. John Glenn, Gus Grissom, Alan Shepherd, Scott Carpenter, Wally Schirra, Deke Slayton, And Gordon Cooper(From Oklahoma)
    #9 Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
    #4 Melvin Purvis
    #1 PA. General in Philadelphia

  3. Good guess on #2, Zook….. August is correct with October a close second…. That earns you One (1) Point….. Wrong on #3 – nothing to do with sex or age (hint)….. Another good guess on #7, although, it is Nottinghamshire – Today Sherwood Forest is under the protection of the British Forestry Commission….. One (1) more Point for Zook……

    Welcome back, J.J…… Wrong on #1…… One (1) Point for #4 – FBI agent Melvin Purvis. Purvis never actually fired at Dillinger in the 1934 shootout that ended in the death of “Public Enemy Number One.” But Purvis directed the trap and pointed Dillinger out to other agents and police….. You are correct on #8, but, since these are so well known and you didn’t give their full names, I’m going to give us a Half (1/2) Point each for a total of Three and One Half (3 1/2) Points total….. Their full names are: M. Scott Carpenter, L. Gordon Cooper, Jr., John H. Glenn, Jr., Virgil I. Grissom, Walter M. Schirra, Jr., Alan B. Shepard, Jr., and Donald K. Slayton. That’s a lot of Jr’s!….. J.J. also picks up One (1) Point for #9 with Henry Cabot Lodge….. My source didn’t mention the Jr…. ummmm……

    Looks like we’re off the a good start……

  4. Hmm… if it’s not to do with sex or age, then I’ll have to go with weight. How much, I know not.

  5. Another one right on the head, Zook – In the United States all swine weighing under 180 pounds are pigs; those over that weight are hogs. In Britain, there is no difference: The term pig refers to all domestic swine….. Zook gets One (1) Point for #3…..

    Hints on the remaining questions tomorrow……..

  6. Nothin’ for Money and Your Hints for Free:

    #1 – This kinda goes along with our sorted History of the U.S. – Our only bachelor President lost his fiancee to a drug overdose, so-o-o, with all the craziness going on in the world, what would be the most logical first hospital?….. It is very well known……
    #5 – It’s an astronomical term….. I figured someone would just look it up in the dictionary (in book form)…….
    #6 – What happened to all the musicians in the community?……

  7. Looks as if everyone’s done with this one….. Here are the remaining answers:

    #1 – Bellevue, on New York City’s East Side, is the oldest general hospital in North America. Plans for the hospital date back to 1736, although at that time the building was meant to be only a “Public Workhouse and House of Correction” near City Hall (located on the site of present-day City Hall Park). In 1816, a larger space was needed and construction began at Belle Vue Farm, on the hospital’s present site. I really thought someone would have guessed Bellevue.
    #5 – The word is used by astronomers to describe the position of three bodies that are approximately in line. For example, when the moon is full, it is in syzygy with the earth and sun, because it is on the far side of the earth from the sun.
    #6 – It is a musical note – usually a flatted third or seventh – that gives a blues feeling to a song. The Blue Note is also the name of a popular nightclub in New York’s Greenwich Village.

    That’s it and the winner’s are (all TWO of them):

    J.J. – Five and One Half (5 1/2) Points
    Zook – Three (3) Points

    Update soon – Don’t know when next Quiz will be up as I am leaving for Seattle in the next few days and things may get somewhat hectic……

  8. #5. 99.99% of the time, astronomers generally use the word “conjunction,” which syzygy is derived from. “Syzygy” is used more by astrologer, mystic types.

  9. Welcome to the Misty Mystic MR Community…. We are able to obtain Astrological Incorrectness on a regular basis….. Read my palm on Sunday….. I award HuskySooner One (1) Point for waiting until the Quiz was over to give a great answer….. That’s “Syzygy” for you – he was waiting for the correct alignment…… Of what?…. I don’t know…..

  10. New totals for this Quiz:

    J.J. – Five and One Half (5 1/2) Points
    Zook – Three (3) Points
    HuskySooner – One (1) Point

    Seattle gig called off so I will get the Quiz Update/Notice Posted the next day or two……

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