Speaking of the Holidays….

I know the Holiday Season has appeared way too fast for me….. Where did the time go?….. I’m already behind and it’s only November 1!….. Apparently, the Community has started the “Season” really early also….. It seems everyone has disappeared….. Where did you all go?….. Can I come along too?…… I’m beginning to forget all your names….. Check-in if you’re still out there……

I guess I’ll say my “Happy Holidays” greeting now before the “Season” sneaks by and it’s 2008…..

Don’t get too busy to be with friends – It’s all that really matters in the end

HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all – 2007 – from MRambler Central……

9 Responses to “Speaking of the Holidays….”

  1. Sir, here sir! Head up my , sir.

  2. Yep, Anon, that’s where I store my head most of the time here lately…… Okay, that takes care of the “A”‘s, and, I guess I’m checkin’ in, so-o-o, that’s two (2) of us…… I guess we can play a game of Blogline Chess, Anon, while we wait for the others to check-in…… I will need a little advantage, so, all my Pawns are Queens…. Even with that, I probably would have a hard time winning….. That’s how good of a Chess player I am!…….

  3. Been busy…sister in town. But I started a list of possible song subjects/titles. First one….”Pass It On”.

  4. Is this for the song we are now working on, or, for future ventures?…. At any rate, I’ll “Pass It On”…… Ha….. …..and I’m writing it down is my lyrics notebook – p-a-s-s i-t o-n….. HEY, I like it all run together! – “Passiton”…… C-o-o-l….. You have electrons, neutrons, and passitons…..

  5. Future stuff.

  6. I’m Here FINALLY. I have got to have a talk with the Management about being home more. I spent last weekend in Watkins, CO listening to a crappy barband spending too much at the local restraunt/bar and bored to death. at least the motel had sat tv.

  7. Just been busy. I have done zero Christmas shopping and who knows what’s going on for Thanksgiving. This holiday season just snuck up this year.

  8. #8 by Randalf the Grey

    I also been bizzy, but I love you guys, man.

  9. Looks like everybody is sl-o-o-w-ly checking in….. If we’re all this busy now, how are we going to make it through the Holidays?….. I’m thinking of sending out Christmas I.O.U.’s…. Like one of those “Round-To-It’s” to be redeemed in the dead of Winter….. Say February or March….. That’s about how far I’m behind…..

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