I am passing on the Educational Quiz to MR and J.J. No moans, no sighs.

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I will still be posting cultural and educational bits from the BIG BOOK under “DID YOU KNOW? I didn’t think so.”, bits that will make you seem cultured and educated as you drop

them in casual conversation.

During the past year Randalph, and recently Jek, discovered the identity of the BIG BOOK. Randalph’s discovery has made the construction of quizez difficult at times and as a result I have had to pass up excellent information. So, I’m returning to my original intent of bringing culture to MR Central.

THE BIG BOOK……is a wonderful dictionary full of esoteric and even useful facts. Mostly European but occasionally American as well as Eastern and not always P.C.. It just has a bunch of stuff. Published in 1894, you can find the origins of common phrases used today and slang of the past as well as all the old mythes and fables………

THE DICTIONARY OF PHRASE AND FABLE by E. Cobham Brewer…….(around the house we call it Phrase And Phrable)………….lovingly known to us as THE BIG BOOK.

9 Responses to “THE BIG BOOK REVEALED”

  1. I will, Anon, although quite reluctantly, take the torch of De-Education that you hereby pass-on…… I’m sure the Community will attempt to impeach me sometime in the future…… I will start my “lesson plans” today…… “God Save The Queen (and MR)”….. WAITING FOR THAT FIRST POST OF “DID YOU KNOW”, Anon…..

  2. I think I have stumbled onto the Biggest, Best-est Book!….. I can say no more……

  3. I’ll give you a dime and a guitar pick for the name.

  4. The dime would have to be at least two hundred years old and the pick would have to be signed by Jimi Hendrix…… I can still say no more……

  5. #5 by huskysooner

    A funny thing is that a senior colleague of mine has this book on his shelf, and it catches my eye every time I’m in his office. I guess the answers were under my nose the entire time!

  6. You just never know, do you?….. That’s pretty cool, but, it won’t do you any good now as I am going to use a completely different source….. Of course, I guess, facts are facts, so there could be overlapping information as I have never seen “The Big Book” as Anon refers to it…..

  7. It is a BIG BOOK. 1324 pages.

    By my count, as of the last quiz, Randalf G led with points followed by Husky S. I’m thinking about a first prize and a first follow up prize…..maybe some Tim’s Cascade Chips……when I get around to it….some time. Keep your eye on the mail for a large Manila envelope.

  8. I will try to do my due diligence on the musical side of the quizzes. I am honored to be entrusted with such a task and will try to live up to the example that you have set. The “Big Book” sounds fascinating where did you come up with such a ancient volume of reference?

  9. J.J., An old book but seems to have been around academic circle’s forever. The book was a gift to my wife, the reader, from her sister. I started reading a few pages every night…..not that much is sticking. I do feel more educated though.

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