The more things change………………………..

“Naturally, the common people don’t want war. After all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is a simple matter to drag people along, whether it’s a Democracy, or a Fascist dictatorship, or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country. ”

Hermann Goering, Hitler’s Reich-Marshall at at the Nuremberg trials, following Word War II.

Scary, huh?

15 Responses to “The more things change………………………..”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey

    Someone’s going to invoke Godwin’s Law, but not me.

  2. Unfortunately, Human nature is all too predictable, and History does repeat itself, over and over…… “Good Common Sense” is something everyone knows about, but, it seems fewer and fewer people actually exercise it anymore…..

  3. did anyone catch bill moyer’s show last week on pbs? he had two guests, one from the right , one from the left, who have written books on why we should impeach bush. good ol moyer. i guess he’s not scared of rendition.

  4. Here’s a link to the transcript of that show: Bill Moyers Journal

  5. Thanks, Jek. Interesting reading.

  6. Yeah, that was great reading, Jek and thanks to Anon for mentioning it for Jek to look up….. I had almost forgot about “Mr. Bill’s” antics while in the Oval Office….. On that note, I hope no one out there would possibly vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination…. I have nothing against a woman President, but, this one is a criminal (maybe she is qualified)….. BTW, how can she run anyway, she was President for eight years already….. Who do you think was running the country while Mr. Bill was “servicing” all the female White House staff….. If she would somehow get elected, I’d be on my way to Australia, just like James Gardner in “Support Your Local Sheriff”……

  7. bill and hillary aside, the show was about getting rid of bush. i thought the most compelling argument for impeachment is the fact that once the office of the president gains a power it takes an act of congress or the supreme court to get it back. considering all the powers bush has taken upon himself, its time……past due.

  8. #8 by Randalf the Grey

    While I don’t want to lose a national treasure like MR to Australia, if Hillary gets the Democratic nomination, she has my vote. I would rather see an Obama / Edwards or Edwards / Obama ticket, since I
    think that would be the surest way to keep the REAL criminals ( the Republican neo-cons ) out of the White House. Sending American troops into harm’s way based on lies and deceit is the moral equivalent of TREASON, but in many ways Cheney and Bush’s attacks on the constitution are worse. Also, we are NOT safer from terrorism now than we were on September 11, 2001. The neo-cons and the military industrial complex that they’re in bed with have merely used 09/11/01 to replace the “threat” of communism with the “war on terrorism”. The reason they didn’t finish the job in Afganistan and take out bin Laden is that the situation our country finds itself in is a gold mine for Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Haliburton, etc., and they
    don’t intend to stop feeding at the public trough until YOU AND I stop them.

  9. Go Randalf. ( it was treason)

  10. Politics, don’t you just love a good political discussion?….. RtG, don’t forget Colt, Dow Chemical, and Bell….. These were the big 3 in the Vietnam Conflict (War)…… Gotta have small arms (Colt), Napalm (Dow Chemical) and Helicopters (Bell) if you are going to reach out and touch the enemy on a personal level….. Like I said, History is in a self-sustaining loop and I don’t know if we’re gonna come out of this one….. I’m sorry though, there is no way I would ever vote for Broom-Hilda Rotten Clinton….. We’ve already made enough enemies around the World and I think electing someone with her history would be pulling the plug and let whatever we have left in this country go down the drain….. I don’t think she can legally even return to her home state of Arkansas without being arrested….. I think if she were elected, you would be bringing this so-called “War on Terrorism” to American soil…. I could be wrong, but, I firmly believe she speaks with forked tongue…..

  11. “This one is a criminal”? B.S.

    A partisan independent counsel intent on destroying the Clintons spent $90 million investigating a 30-year-old land deal and came up with nothing — not a single criminal charge against the Clintons.

    I’m not a big fan of hers, but I’d prefer her to any of the Republican candidates.

  12. Untill we the people rise up and tell washington that we will not take it anymore history will repeat itself over and over. Remember another quote from that era” It is easier to convince the people of a Big Lie than a small one” Adolph Hitler.

  13. Okay, TTop and RtG, I’ll consider your arguments as I am well aware of how our media slants what the public hears….. I’ll cancel my Australian hideaway and give it some more thought….. We’re still a long way from the point of decision and, despite the rumors, I have an open mind (sometimes)…..

  14. Besides, your’e not bugging out to the great down under without me.

  15. If I go, the whole MR Community’s welcome to follow along….. Australia might not be happy with it, but, they’ll just have to accept us “Yanks”…..

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