Points (?) Update…..

For anyone out there not yet confused by my Point System, here are the Current Standings in alphabetical order, which should convince all parties concerned that MR doesn’t have a clue as to what’s going on!….. (Bear with me, I almost had this post completed earlier and a lightning strike knocked-out the power just long enough for me to lose it all, including my patience!… Argh!…. S-o-o-o, I’m saving this after every line now.)……

Anon: Two (2) 1’s
HS: Three (3) Aces
Izard: Two (2) +’s, Ten (10) 1’s, One (1) 0, Three (3) Aces
J.J.: Fifteen (15) 1’s, Two (2) 0’s, Three (3) 2 of Puppy Feet*
Jek: One (1) +, Twelve (12) 1’s, One (1) 2 of Puppy Feet*
RtG: Four (4) +’s, One (1) –
Sunn: Nine (9) 1’s

*Puppy Feet are Clubs, i.e. 2 of Clubs, Anon

We now input all of this data v-e-r-y slowly (to prevent overload) into the Commodore 64 and just Two (2) days later we have the new current Point Standings:

Anon: Two (2) Red Checkers
HS: Three (3) Red Checkers
Izard: Thirteen (13) Red Checkers, One (1) Black Checker
J.J.: Fifteen (15) Red Checkers, Five (5) Black Checkers
Jek: Thirteen (13) Red Checkers, One (1) Black Checker
RtG: Four (4) Red Checkers, One (1) Black Checker
Sunn: Nine (9) Red Checkers

The next Quiz will be for more Checkers…… Any Questions?…..

10 Responses to “Points (?) Update…..”

  1. looks like i’m ahead….top o the list. what the f is a red checker? why no green checkers. is anyone getting this or is it just me?

  2. No, Anon, sorry, but you are not ahead….. As stated the list is in alphabetical order….. I think you are actually in last place, but, don’t hold me to that…… What kind of checkers did they play where you came from?….. The only checker game I ever played had Red and Black Checkers and was played on a board of red and black squares with the same layout as a chess board….. Green Checkers?…. Do you have to smoke something to make them green?….. PLEASE explain!…..

  3. Looking at the scoring system all I can say is…I think you sank my battle ship.

  4. All I have to say, Izard is that I “Missed It by That Much” (Get Smart)……

  5. mr,

    thought you were making this all up and wanted to know why you werent using other colors. so, now i know we are playing checkers. please move my checker ahead one space. im on a roll.

  6. Now, Anon, you know you can only move Checkers diagonally…. Don’t force me to jump one of your two Red Checkers and get a king for myself……

  7. I thought you gave me all the C64 Hardware/software Are you holding out on me?

  8. I believe I should quit while I’m in last place. I guess 17 years of education did me a lot of good, huh. Could be Alzheimer’s. I last attended school over 40 years ago.

  9. Sunn, you are not in last place!…. You’ve been paying too much attention to Anon, who wants everyone to believe he’s in 1st place!….. The list is alphabetical…… Here are the Standings in order of value:

    Izard and Jek: Tied for “First Place”
    J.J.: “Second Place”
    Sunn: “Third Place”
    RtG and HS: Tied for “Fourth Place”
    Anon: Last, but not least, in “Fifth Place”

    J., you forget Robo has a complete “64” system and software, including “Ghostbusters” and “Hunt for Red October”…..

  10. Oh Yeah.

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