The place

where a crime was committed……….

9 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZ……….Crime”

  1. Venue?

    As far as I recall, this usually refers to the place in which a trial occurs, but could also therefore mean the general area in which the crime was committed.

    The use this outside the legal context is, I think, much more recent—I think I recall a NYT letter protesting its use for things like concerts and sporting events a few years ago.

  2. #2 by Randalf the Grey

    Scene, as in scene of the crime.

  3. All good an answers, but no. Think Latin. You will recognize it as soon as you hear it.

  4. Each crime has elements that must be proven to show that a crime did, indeed, take place. This gives us our corpus delicti, or body of the crime. And any good crime should also have a location, or locus delicti.

  5. Right on Izard. Your first big plus five points. And no MR, It doesn’t mean delicious grasshoppers. Just forget the corpus part too.

  6. Actually, I was thinking that a crime could be committed anywhere….. You didn’t ask what the “Coppers” called it…. “Just the Facts, Sir”…… And, I thought Corpus Delicti was a city in Texas…….

  7. MR, not bad enough for a minus 5. Try again.

  8. Would I have gotten minus 5 if I said the answer was Washington D.C.?…… Crimes are committed there semi-secondly and passed by majority…….

  9. OK….thats bad

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