Music Trivia 05.27.07

I’m Back. Heres a long one. 1971 saw the teaming up of two musicians on the big screen. Racing across country But filmed mostly in Oklahoma, Name the movie, what were these two musicians names? Extra credit, What were the two cars,(2pts) what other movie did one of these cars star in,(2pts) What was the name of the actor they raced against,(3pts) Extra 5 Points what town in Oklahoma did they visit/Film in?

6 Responses to “Music Trivia 05.27.07”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey

    Two-Lane Blacktop. James Taylor and Dennis Wilson. A ’55 Chevy (actually, there were three used in the film), and a 1970 Pontiac GTO. The ’55 Chevy was also used in American Graffiti. Warren Oates. Boswell, OK.

  2. Is there a BIG BOOK of Music?

  3. I don’t know if there is a BIG FAKE BOOK of music, but most musicians, especially from Oklahoma, are familiar with any movies starring Musicians and having footage shot in Oklahoma….. To add to RtG’s comment, the movie was released in 1971 and was about a cross-country race for car titles…. They steal a tag off of a car in Oklahoma, also, Dennis Wilson was one of the Wilson Brothers and the drummer from the “Beach Boys”…… It has it’s slow spots and “Hippie” references, but, has come to be a cult car classic movie……

  4. Neither James nor Dennis would go on to win any oscars. That movie was on cable a couple of months ago. I passed on it, now I wish I’d went ahead & sat through it.
    Poor Dennis never got another chance. However, I think JT could pull it off. At most of his concerts these days, he has become quite a comedian.
    I saw a replay of an old boxing match the other day on ESPN classic.
    In the crowd I noticed Dennis sitting next to Jack Nicholson. The fight was only a couple of months before his death.

  5. Dennis & James definitely wouldn’t win any oscars for that one. It was on cable a month or so, ago. I passed, now I wish I had taken the time to sit through it.
    Poor Dennis never did get another shot. However, JT has become quite the comedian as his career progressed.
    I was watching a big boxing match on ESPN classic the other night & I noticed Dennis was sitting next to Jack Nicholson. The fight was only a couple of months before his death.

  6. Randalf, you really need to get out more. Thats 16 big points for this one. that puts you at 27 for this series/Quarter. I will e-mail you reguarding your prize. Maybe if I have a week like this last one I will deliver it personally, I sat in Co. Springs all day Tuesday waiting for a load, Wasn’t that weather something Tues. Back onto the Subject MR turned me onto this movie back in the day I thought it was pretty far out for ’71 Kinda like Easy Rider meets Vanishing Point. I know some people who grew up in Boswell, OK and were there during the filming, Some of the stories they have told… One of the guys told me that the 1st time that he got….well you know…”up there” was with Dennis Wilson during that time.

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