May 14 came and went and I missed it. I missed celebrating C.A.L.E.A. Day. That is the day that broadband and Voice over Protocol providers must be in full compliance with the 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act. The law aims to create an instant switch to turn on and collect data about suspicious types. Think I will have a beer anyway.

Sometime between Tues. and June 1st Generation XIII (Brood XIII) will make it’s appearance in parts of the Mid-West and East. That’s when the Periodical Cicadas, after 17 years sucking on the roots of trees, will

appear, do their thing, and die after 30 days. The sound they make is quite annoying I understand.

Meanwhile in Washington D.C. bookies are taking bets whether the head of the Justice Department will last 30 days.

3 Responses to “BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW……..I didn't”

  1. They passed that way back in 1994?…… I’m surprised it passed at that time, although, today, by using the threat of further terrorist acts, it seems they are able to pass any law they want that curtails or takes away our personal rights…… I wonder how far it will go before our system of government comes apart at the seams?…..

  2. It was passed in 1994 and later expanded to cover broadband and Voice over Protocol.

  3. MR. It’s allready coming apart just S L O W L Y That way we don’t notice it as much.

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