ANOTHER EDUCATIONAL QUIZ……..Jack And The Stalk of Beans


were the three treasures of the giant in Jack And The Bean Stalk?

5 Responses to “ANOTHER EDUCATIONAL QUIZ……..Jack And The Stalk of Beans”

  1. #1 by MRambler

    I’m not up on my fairy tales, but, it seems logically that one of them would be “beans”….. Maybe big giant-sized beans…..

  2. No beans. ( you want -5 for “giant beans”?)

    The “Jack And The Bean Stalk” I,m talking about is the original German tale. I thought this was required reading.

  3. #3 by MRambler

    Do the answers have to be in German?….. ….And, yes, I’m entitled to my -5 points……

  4. No and OK.

  5. Apparently your mothers never read to you. RtG, where were you on this one?

    The giant is the All-Father.
    The treasures are:
    1. a harp….the wind
    2. bags full of treasure…the rain
    3. the red hen that laid golden eggs…the genial sun

    “Man avails himself of these treasures and becomes rich.”

    So, the next time someone offers to sell you a bag of beans….

    No winners this week.

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