Translate “Nullum magnum ingenium absque mixtura dementia est “. (a

clue: concentrate on “ingenium” and “dementia” )

10 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZZ……Translation”

  1. Would this be a widely known phrase when translated?….. Right now all I have is ” A neutral large ingeniously obscure demented mixture”…. Sounds right to me….. Give me my points……

  2. OK, OK. How many points do you want…..-15, -20, -25?

    I wouldn’t say well known but known and comes up in similar forms other places by other wits. This one by Seneca. Knock off your first three words and you’re close.

  3. #3 by huskysooner

    Hmmmmm. “There is no great inspiration without madness.”

    “There is no great inspiration without being mixed with madness.”

    Is this anywhere near the mark?

  4. I’ll take all the negative points, Anon….. Can’t fault a person for trying, although, I like HS’s translation better…..

  5. HS, I’ll have to give you 2.5 points. Madness is on. Inspiration is off but kinda the right idea.

    MR, Does -20 points seem fair?

  6. Is that enough points to keep me in reverse lead?…… How many negative points to I have to have in order to owe you a prize?…… Am I there yet?….. I’ve got a real winner of prize in mind for you….. I just don’t know if “It” will pass quarantine regulations (Ha-Ha)……

  7. Well, you are leading by far in negative points.But, I may have to rethink the negative prize idea if it has to go through quarantine. Any untainted cash will be accepted.

    Are you at work or home in bed with the covers pulled over your head? Remember, 90 % of all accidents happen in the home.

  8. I always stay in the 10% safe-zone of my place…… It’s worked so far…..

  9. Isn’t that printed on bottles of Absinthe?

  10. Here’s the answer which I did type in last week but must have hit the wrong key.

    “Great wits to madness nearly are allied.”

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