Hollywood a No-No……

Is it just me or have new movies hit an all-time low over the last few years?…… The plots are either extremely lame to the point of “Have I seen this before?” or “Who would front the money to make such a stupid movie” or so complicated that after you’ve seen it once the first 90% of the movie isn’t worth watching a second time….. The action sequences are the worst…… Most of them are lit extremely dark and are made-up of fast close-up cuts that are not only hard to see, but hard to follow…… I’m sure making them that way keeps the old production costs down in the modern CGI world we live in, but there should be a limit….. I haven’t bought a new release in some time, a friend loans them to me (actually forces me sometimes), who does buy ’em, and I have to admit I have trouble watching most of them all the way through…… Maybe this is Hollywood’s new anti-piracy protection….. With what’s out there, they don’t have to worry about me bootleggin’ any of it…..

6 Responses to “Hollywood a No-No……”

  1. We don’t watch many new movies, but I am curious about some specific examples. What bad movies have you seen recently?

  2. …Quite a few, Jek….. Here are some of them….. “The Guardian”, a Kevin Costner film, supposedly based on fact about the Coast Guard….. He dies in the end, only to return as the mythical “Man in the Sea” that saves drowning people!…. I don’t know….. They did film an ending without him dying just in case, but, it was fairly lame also….. Reminds me of the superstar that wants to die in a movie started by John Wayne way back when…… Samuel L. Jackson did the dying thing early in “Deep Blue Sea”…… Speaking of Sam L., did you see “Snakes on a Plane”?….. Don’t bother…… “Lady in the Water” is one of those complicated ones where once you’ve seen it, the first 90% of it isn’t worth watching again….. In the “How did these movies ever get made”, we have “Talladega Nights”, a NASCAR Will Ferrell yucko aimed at 3-year olds?….. “My Super Ex-Girlfriend” which Uma Thurman should have turned down for stupidity, and “The Descent” which was more of a horrible movie than a horror movie…… I could go on and on….. Now, I admit, I haven’t seen everything that’s new, but Robo’s fairly picky on what he spends his money on, so I don’t think he purchased these knowing just how bad they were….. He’s complaining also…..

  3. Have you noticed how hollywood is also remaking old movies and trying to shove them down our throats ie:The longest yard. also the bunch of crap that was nominated for oscars this year, the smell is sickening.

  4. I’m not a big moviegoer. Certainly, most recent “pop” movies, like the ones you cite, have been pretty crappy. But expecting “Snakes on a Plane” or “Talledega Nights” to be good movies is a bit like casting pearls before the swine.

    “Little Miss Sunshine” is quite good.

    If you’re in the mood for an artsy, metaphorically western, action flick, “The Way of the Gun” is amazing. Though it’s not recent — 2000. The weapons-handling and gunfight scenes are well done. And a really cool slow motion car chase. The movie has a significant amount of slow pacing, and parts of it are very violent. But not stupidviolent like “The Matrix Part n+1” or “Spiderman.”

  5. They dont make movies for our demographic group.

    Go directly to the art section.

  6. Strange, I happened to go see “Stranger Than Fiction” this weekend at the $3 house. It was pretty amusing–and a bit on the sap side here and there–but worth seeing. It seemed somewhat Douglas Adams inspired on various levels, some literal.

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