ROUND II: E-QUIZ 5a………….Didn't get it.


cant believe no one got last week’s quiz. It was too easy. So, I’m running it again this week. “Lion’s Tooth” in French translates into what common plant. Ask someone what “tooth” is in French. That should give it to you.

3 Responses to “ROUND II: E-QUIZ 5a………….Didn't get it.”

  1. I don’t know what “tooth” is in French, but it’s diente in Spanish. The closest plant I can think of is dandelion.

  2. I couldn’t find a French person anywhere….. Are their teeth actually named after a plant?….. As HS says in Spanish, it’s “El Knocko diente outo casbasia”….. In Redneck, it’s “Green”, in African-American, it’s “Gold”, and in most of us old yo-yo’s, it’s “False”….. Do I have to state that I am joking ala Don Rickles?….. Do I get to collect any minus points?…..

  3. Yes, “dandelion”. French, “dent de lion”. Big five points for HS. Five points for me for the clue.

    MR, Just go ahead and give yourself a bunch of minus points and let me know how many so I can mark it down. Who knows? Maybe someone will challenge you for last.

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