Where Were You?…..

I caught part of this on the radio on the way to work this morning….. A songwriter, who was a guest on a local morning radio talk show, was talking about a song he had written which had a line in it about being in a disco when John Lennon was shot….. He said his producers were having trouble finding someone to sing it because they didn’t want to give the impression that they were that old and/or would have been in a disco in the first place….. Gotta protect their image I guess….. He basically called them lame and vain……

I personally was at the Shepard Mall Theatre watching “The Blues Brothers” movie for the 4th time (Not by myself – I had talked different people and groups into seeing it and I just had to go along each time, you understand)….. Heard it on the radio after leaving the theatre and at that time it was just that he had been shot….. Went to a friend’s house, heard the rest of it, and listened to Blues albums the rest of the night…..

Where were you?….. I know some of you were not that old, or maybe, not even born yet, but it’s human nature to remember what you were doing and where when some major event in the time line occurs….. I can also tell you to the minute where I was and what I was doing when JFK was assassinated….. I can’t hide my age now, as someone, J.J., babbled all over the blog about my big 6.0 birthday…… Oh, yeah, I promise to “Get Back” to rest of the 3D-2N B-Day Bash details soon…

4 Responses to “Where Were You?…..”

  1. I’m pretty sure we had Monday Night Football on (the famous Howard Cosell report), but I seem to remember learning of it the next day.

    It certainly didn’t make much of an impression, at least nothing like Challenger, 9/11, or the 10 April 1979 Wichita Falls tornado.

  2. #2 by Randalf the Grey

    Monday Night Football…Howard Cosell…it made more of an impression than when the New York Times said, “GOD IS DEAD”.

  3. I didn’t hear about it until the day after. My aunt told me over a bowl of oatmeal. I thought she was kidding at first, in a mean way. I was pretty shattered that day.

  4. Babbled? I was attending night classes at Star Spencer High School on Monday nights, I got home at 9:15 that evening and was milling about in my room with Mon. Nite FtBall in the background when Howerd Cosell Gave the news flash, I turned over to NBC and watched all night.

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