E-QUIZ 27: Hemp in the pocket

This old French phrase, “to have some hemp in the pocket”,

means what?

8 Responses to “E-QUIZ 27: Hemp in the pocket”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey

    It used to be that hemp was considered a good luck charm, so I’m guessing that “to have some hemp in the pocket” would bring you good luck.
    All that probably changed with the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937.

  2. Sorry, can’t answer without having it in the original French.

    -Jek the Evil (evidently)

  3. OK Randalf, who’s giving you the answers. Correct again. It means to have luck on your side.

    That gives you a grand total of 49.5 points and puts you within .5 of a vote from winning the second round of EDUCATIONAL QUIZ.

    HuskySooner, you sure have been quiet lately.

  4. I meant to say……..5 of a point….but you knew that.

  5. Sorry. Still…. recovering…. from Linda McCartney….. backup vocals…..

  6. Didn’t know it was that bad. Did you see a doctor?

  7. I recommend “Dr. John”….. A little Cajun rock outta bring you right out of a “Lindaism” attack….. Are you sure those French weren’t just aging the hemp in their back pockets for later fun and games?…..

  8. You know those French……I thought it was absinthe, not hemp. Cant see a French dandy at court smoking a chunk of rope.

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