Leave It To O.G.& E…….

O.G.& E. is our local electric company….. Today they had a sub-station go down causing power outages in South OKC, Moore, and Norman (home of OU) resulting in 3,800 customers burning-up in the 105 degree temperature we had today (and yesterday, and tomorrow)….. Not one to call them liars as to the reason this happened – BUT…. By the way, O.G.& E. stands for Oklahoma Gas and Electric…. They don’t have anything to do with natural gas, and, as far as I know, they never have…. That makes them liars right up-front!…. Their excuse for the outage is that thieves broke into the sub-station and stole copper wiring causing the outage….. The news footage I just watched of the sub-station shows that it is a bare station without any buildings of any kind….. Nothing but a high barbed-wire fence around it with metal privacy panels….. All the wires I saw were the HUGE ones on extremely high insulated poles…. I don’t think there was an on-off switch at the gate and I think if you would even come close to any of them you would be immediately fried to a crisp….. I’m just amazed that they expect the public to buy this BS…. Why don’t they just admit that they are not maintaining their grids and sticking the money in their pockets…. Just last week there was an OU professor on the news talking about the sad condition the power grids in Oklahoma are, and that the electric company (O.G.& E.) should start spending some of those profits to bring it back up to a reasonable standard….. Of course, the O.G.& E. rep denied all of it and accused the professor of not being up-to-date on his research….. Hm-m-m-m, I wonder who’s not up-to-date?……

2 Responses to “Leave It To O.G.& E…….”

  1. O.G.& E. is still sticking to the “thieves” story, and as of this morning there were still close to 1,000 customers without service….. As I am writing this, the temp outside is approaching 108 in the shade….. Lovely place…… I highly recommend you vacation here…. (Ha-Ha) Or, better still, send someone you don’t like for a free vacation in Oklahoma…. It would be worth the expense and you would know that they had been properly punished……

  2. You know that was my first comment also when told about this latest fiasco concerning our monopolized electric company.

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