E-QUIZ 22: Heavenly Animals

One point each (big possible point total) for

each animal you can name that was admitted to Heaven. Only special, specific animals were admitted (despite what your parents told you about that gold fish)…..that is, not whole species.

*Special bonus points to the one that gets them all. This is a big one.

*Minus points for really dumb looby answers.

21 Responses to “E-QUIZ 22: Heavenly Animals”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey

    1. The dove which signified to Noah the end of the flood.
    2. Moses’ ox.
    3. The ram which Abraham sacrificed in place of Isaac.
    4. The whale who munched Jonah
    5. Solomon’s ant.

    I know there are others, but I can’t remember any more of them. I don’t know any of their names–maybe Moses’ ox was named Fluffy. Are we only talking about Christian Heaven ? You’d think that some
    of the livestock that crashed with baby Jesus in the ‘burbs of Bethlehem would qualify.

  2. #2 by huskysooner

    So these derive from some tradition, right? Based on even a liberal reading of the Bible, the list is quite an extrapolation.

  3. Do you get minus points for smart-ass answers?….. I need to know before I open my yap……

  4. Mr. Gray,

    Apparently you were at Sunday School while I was out fishing. That’s five correct animal answers. I will have to deduct .5 of a point for “Fluffy” as obvious example of Loobyness unless you can cite specific Bible documentation. (I think it was Ferdinand the nice ox)

    Mr. Sooner,

    What liberal? I see you weren’t in Sunday School either. Couldn’t come up with one animal, huh?

    A total of ten animals….five to go.

  5. RG,

    Yes, that would be good Christian animals.

  6. MR,

    As stated, Looby answers will receive negatives points. You are working backwards anyway, aren’t you?

  7. #7 by huskysooner

    Anon, I had my share of SundaySchool and know the Bible reasonably well, but I somehow missed the postscript of the whale, dove, etc. Hopefully, you’ll provide chapters and verses.

  8. #8 by Randalf the Grey

    I don’t know of any actual references in the King James version of the Holy Bible to animals being admitted to Heaven. Unless I’m mistaken, this idea is a fable which is used to help program young Christian minds.

  9. #9 by huskysooner

    That makes much more sense to me, RtG.

  10. I’ve got to go with RtG on this one as well. Though it’s been a while, I’ve spent more than my fair share of time in Sunday School, and I can’t recall a single instance of an animal ascending to heaven. Christians do not believe that animals have souls, so how and why would an animal ever be brought to heaven? If you’re looking for “animals that aided in the performance of the Lord’s work or miracles in general”, then you might want to include the two original fishes from the sermon on the mount, the frogs from the plague on egypt (and, for that matter, the lice, the flies, and the locusts), and the mule that carried a pregnant Mary to Bethlehem.

  11. Don’t forget “Clyde”, who was both a camel and a monkey….. (I just don’t know when to keep quiet, do I?)…….

  12. MR,

    Yes, there was a camel admitted…..One point. No, there was no monkey admitted. If I give you a minus point for \”monkey\” that puts you even. I\’ll give you a choice since you may be working backwards. Do you want the point?


    Chapter and verse? I was out fishing. This is all hearsay from what Randolf says.

  13. Four to go.

  14. To HS and those who care,

    My reference on this one is quite old and decidedly English. Could come from the Church of England.

  15. Point taken……

  16. #16 by Randalf the Grey

    Wait a minute ! I lose half a point for attaching a name to Moses’ ox, and MR gets credit for Clyde the Camel ?

    If there were a Heaven, I’m sure there would be asses there.

  17. RtG,

    I stand corrected even though I am the DECIDER. MR, in all fairness I will have to reduce your one point by half. Address all complaints to Randalf of Grayness.

  18. OOPS!


    I missed one. An ass did get into Heaven. For a point, who’s ass got into Heaven. (I can tell you who’s ass is not going to make it to Heaven. May be the next question on the quizz.)

    I’m not up on religion but, after rereading the list of animals admitted it seems it may be some kind of compilation. ????

  19. #19 by Randalf the Grey

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure that Randalf’s ass isn’t going to wind up in Heaven ( OR Hell for that matter ).

    The angel Gabriel supposedly brought Muhammad an ass named Al
    Barak ( The Thunder ) which the supposed prophet rode into Heaven. This wouldn’t fit into our Christian myth theory, but towel-head Heaven is essentially the same Heaven that Christians aspire to.

  20. I have the ass’s name in my source but not the owner. Maybe we can clear this all up tomorrow when I reveal the rest of the animals.

    ( I was kind of hoping there was a hell for a few people I had in mind.)

  21. THE REST OF THE ANIMALS. some look a little unbelievable. Maybe some of you out there can explain………….Like this first one.

    The cukoo of Blkis.

    The camel of the prophet Saleh

    Balaam,s ass.

    The dog Kratim of the Seven Sleepers.

    Mahomet’s ass, called Al Borak.

    Randalf gets another point.

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