E-QUIZ 17: Da Capo

Here’s an

easy one. So, rush to the phones. What does “Da Capo” mean. Since it is so easy I will expect a complete answer.

11 Responses to “E-QUIZ 17: Da Capo”

  1. “From the top everyone. This time with feeling!”

    It means from the beginning usually referring to a piece of music. One of those fun Italian music terms.

  2. Just thought of another funny one: What a guitarist sez when he is struggling with a song written in E flat — “Duh Capo”. I love E flat BTW.

  3. #3 by huskysooner

    Hey Jek, no guitarist the past 15 years has tuned standard E-tuning. It’s all dropped-D, baby!

    […somewhat exaggerated.]

  4. Jek, using a capo to tune a guitar to Eb, you’d have to capo to the 11th fret!…. That’s sorta high on the neck and would leave a very short playing area…. The best way is to tune down a half-step, which gives you Eb and less tension on the strings….. Hendrix used Eb quite a bit, and Lennon wrote “I’m Only Sleeping” in Eb….. As a note, HS, “The Beatle’s” used a dropped-D tuning for “Dear Prudence” and “Neil Young” used a double dropped-D for “Cinnamon Girl”…… As I play some slide, I use open tunings on occasion, but they can also be used without slide…. “Keith Richards” used an open G tuning a lot, most famously on “Brown Sugar”…..

  5. #5 by huskysooner

    MR, on “Cinnamon Girl,” what did he do with the B-string? Leave it as-is (weird)? Or drop it to A for a DADGAD modal-D-“Kashmir”-type tuning?

  6. Nope, he left it as a B….. I’m showing a “Dropped D” tuning as DADGBE…. That’s dropping the bottom E to D….. A “Double Dropped D” tuning is DADGBD, where you drop both E’s to D’s…… That’s Neil’s tuning on “Cinnamon Girl”….. What you have (DADGAD) is somewhere between an open chord tuning and the “Double Dropped D”….. If you drop the G to an F# (DADF#AD) you have an “Open D” tuning…… Led Zep also used that “Kashmir” tuning on “Black Mountain Song” off the “Led Zeppelin” album……

  7. D Modal is fun too…….DADGBD…….Play a D chord without the saluting finger and use it for runs.

    Jek, What feeling? “From the beginning-that is, finish with a repetition of the first strain”

    Incomplete answer with added incorrect information…….4.5 points.

  8. You don’t have to finish necessarily, just go back to the beginning. And why shouldn’t one play with feeling!?

    BTW, Da Capo literally means “from head”.

  9. Is that like de capitated?

    OK, 5 points. I trust your musical experience over THE BIG BOOK’S.

  10. Wow, I’m honored. Thanks, though it was kinda neat having a half-point to my name.

  11. You two are “Loco in la Capo”….. Tell that to next Mexican-Italian you meet….

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