E-QUIZ 15: "Cogito, Ergo Sum"

Something a

little harder……….”Cogito, ergo sum”………..a famous quote. Who said it and what does it mean?

5 Responses to “E-QUIZ 15: "Cogito, Ergo Sum"”

  1. #1 by huskysooner

    “I think, therefore I am.” I don’t remember the origin, though.

  2. I’ll give it to you for getting the important part…..5points.

    Descartes’ axiom.

  3. Rats, I was going to guess the Moody Blues.

  4. #4 by huskysooner

    Ah. Did Descarte first think it in French and then translate?

  5. Come on. Who knows what he was thinken? Probably came up with it after a lot of wine.

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