E-QUIZ 16: Spanish Inquisition

Y’all got me workin’ this week…so…the quiz’s are goin’ to get progressively harder.



14 Responses to “E-QUIZ 16: Spanish Inquisition”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey

    Monty Python’s Flying Circus ? I know who IMPLEMENTED the Inqisition–Isabella and Ferdinand, but
    I guess the founder would have been whichever sick bastard was wearing the Pope’s little red shoes
    and big-ass hat at the time. I can’t remember his name. Once you’ve seen one Pope, you’ve seen ’em
    all. I think we’d be justified in making a Hitler comparison here, since this kangaroo court went
    after jews as well as muslims and all other non-catholics. No points for Randalf.

  2. #2 by Randalf the Grey

    No PURGATORY for Randalf, either.

  3. Nope Randalf. As a matter of fact it wasn’t a Pope. Was a lesser person in the church.

  4. He was Spanish, wasn’t he?….. I mean, since the Catholic Church is/was based in Italy (inquiring minds want to know)…. Just askin’ for a hint and some negative points…..

  5. A hint? You want a hint?

    He also founded a Catholic order which is named after him. That’s one BIG hint and the only hint you get.

  6. Cardinal Reichleau (Negitive Points for Spelling)

  7. The Order of Reichleauions? Nope.

  8. J.J. I’m one of the worst spellers in the world. I don’t give negative point for creative spelling.

  9. #9 by Randalf the Grey

    According to the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, a Dominican friar, Fray Thomas Torquemada founded the Spanish Inquisition.
    But in a Papal Bull (or brief) of 1478, Pope Sixtus IV authorized inquisitions to deal with non-believers in Spain at the
    urging of Isabella and Ferdinand. Torquemada wasn’t appointed Grand Inquisitor until February 11, 1482.

  10. The answer from my big book says ( Randalf, we may both be wrong): Dominic (1170-1221), A Spanish priest who founded the Inquisition and the order of the Dominicans or Preaching Friars. He was called by the Pope the Inquisitor General and was canonised by Gregory IX.

    and this is added: Some say the Inquisition existed in 1184, when Dominic was fourteen years old……….Which would make us both wrong…..so, who started it I wonder?

    Until we clear this matter up, points as yet to be awarded.

  11. #11 by Randalf the Grey

    The Medieval Inquisition began in 1184, but the SPANISH Inquisition began in 1478.

  12. After much research and consultation with experts in the field I have found that Torquemada is most associated with the Inquisition and the question of just what Inquisition we are talking about makes the quiz a little too vague for a precise answer, a fault of the quiz decider. I therefore feel honor bound to award you the five points bringing your score up to ten.

  13. On second thought, I am adding two more points to your score for the fine research on the Inquisition.

  14. #14 by Randalf the Grey

    Thanks, anon. This was a very interesting question. The research was it’s own reward. History has always interested me, also,
    the objective study of religions and the hateful, horrible things that people have done to each other in the name of religion.
    And there will be more in the news tomorrow.

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